
  1. Nutramar Foods

    Male Yellow-Band Velvet Wrasse

    The Cirrhilabrus Wrasses are known for their stunning colors and resilience. Among them, the Yellow Band Velvet Fairy Wrasse stands out as particularly amazing. These wrasses thrive on a diverse diet, including frozen meaty foods, marine pellets, and occasional Nori Seaweed for variety. Due to...
  2. vaguelyreeflike

    Longfin Ruby Wrasse Fins curling

    I dont have pics at the moment but what would cause a fish’s fins to literally curl at the edges and otherwise shorten? Our ruby longfin fairy wrasse was living in our copper/low salinity systems for a good few months, we were expecting him to sell faster, I eventually moved him to the normal...
  3. ErinStecher

    Sick Cirrhilabrus Rhomboidalis

    Hi Guys, This pretty girl isn't acting right. She's breathing heavily and just sort of hanging out in one area. She's new (1 week) and was NOT qt'd. (No lectures please, she was ordered and came in early while I had the flu. This is the first set of fish not qt'd and won't happen again...
  4. Cirrhilabrus Complexes: Inferiority Need Not Apply (1st Revision)

    Cirrhilabrus Complexes: Inferiority Need Not Apply (1st Revision)

    Cirrhilabrus, the “Fairy Wrasses”, are one of the most elegant, active, and colorful reef fish. Their appeal in a reef tank is common to many, but not all have a well-rounded understanding of the compatibility amongst them. Enter the notion of “complexes”: groupings of very closely related...
  5. R

    Cirrhilabrus, Paracheilinus and Wetmorella

    I was hoping for some help in choosing a selection of fish for my 66 gallon reef. The dimensions are 32x24x20. It will be a mixed reef with a 7.5 gallon rubble filled refugium. I plan to feed small amounts of phyto to keep the pod production up in the system and feed twice a day with high...
  6. 'Pairing' Wrasses: That's Not How Any of this Works!

    'Pairing' Wrasses: That's Not How Any of this Works!

    It is something I read often: “Where can I buy a female for my male ____ wrasse?” Or: “I want to buy another ____ wrasse and pair them up!” Wait! Time out for a minute! First, we really need some understanding of how wrasses interact and live in their natural environment. In the ocean, most...
  7. Cirrhilabrus Complexes: Inferiority Need Not Apply

    Cirrhilabrus Complexes: Inferiority Need Not Apply

    This article is obsolete. It has been replaced by the 1st revision. Cirrhilabrus, the “Fairy Wrasses”, are one of the most elegant, active, and colorful reef fish. Their appeal in a reef tank is common to many, but not all have a well-rounded understanding of the compatibility amongst them...