
  1. F

    Adding sodium carbonate|bicarbonate to AFR for PH buffer

    Hello Randy Right now I dose AFR & the ALK|CA ratio is|was fine (I think 7.1 alk & 450 CA before trident broke) -however my PH is pretty suppressed at 7.9-8 due to carbon dosing - In the short or long term are there any drawbacks to dosing sodium carbonate|bicarbonate-both the Red Sea...
  2. Doctorgori

    Trident Controlled dosing AFR episode 3

    I don’t know exactly how long AFR and Tridents have been on the market, but controlled dosing using a single product seems like a Holy Grail …Perhaps enough time has passed to re-examine the data Pardon the re-hash but I did go here first: Trident controlled dosing with all for reef To AFR or...
  3. C

    AFR clogs dosing tubes and turns milky/cloudy in the dosing container

    AFR works amazingly well at maintaining all parameters in my reef, but boy is it a PITA keeping it stable. I'm using an acrylic container and silicone tubes to run it to the tank. It's dosing in the overflow, roughly 2 inches above the waterline and never has any contact with the water...
  4. i0nz

    AFR calculation question

    I’m trying to figure out what AFR raises my calcium in my 66 gallon with sump volume tank to help me understand what AFR is in contrast to Red Sea Mg. I’m dosing 13ml per day. AFR states that 6ml raises calcium by 4ppm in 15 gallons. I’m having a difficult time with calculating this in...
  5. J

    AFR to raise Alkalinity ?

    I’m still new to dosing my parameters has been stables for a year but yet my corals doesn’t seem all happy. Tank is LPS and softies What I’m dosing ; I’m using AFR to raise ALK Redsea for calcium & magnesium Parameters ALK 8.3-8.6 Cal 420-450 Mag 1350-1500 Phosphate .10 Ph 8
  6. sneekapeek

    Carbo-Calcium TM support

    I currently use all for reef from tropic Marin and I am having issues of clogged dosing lines due to crystallization. I’m hoping by switching to carbo-calcium it will be better not clogging from not being a fully saturated solution. Has anyone had issues with carbo-calcium crystallizing on...
  7. knockout

    Making the move from 2 part to All for Reef - a reef log

    I'm...going to give All for Reef a try - who is using this product? any notes in usage are appreciated! I am going to go thru the changeover to All for Reef to simplify the dosing regimen below. Understanding that AFR has a metabolic process to raise Alk in the tank and to prevent any Alk...
  8. Hans-Werner

    All-For-Reef: Enough iodine?

    Hi, My name is Hans-Werner Balling and I am doing R&D at Tropic Marin. I also have developed the All-For-Reef. Iodine is a very important trace element for coral growth, coloration and polyp extension. Low iodine concentrations slow coral growth, make the brown color fade to a pale...