
  1. V

    Mantis shrimp

    Hello, I just found a mantis shrimp in my new tank that came from live ocean rock. With what I’m seeing online I’m not sure if this is a good thing. It’s pretty small; about the same size as a large amano shrimp. It’s also constantly making a clicking noise; I’m not sure if it’s just punching...
  2. J

    SPS safe butterflyfish in the genus Chaetodon

    I've heard a lot of stories where Angelfish like Emperors, Regal, Majestic will eat their LPS and softies but not eat SPS. I really love butterflyfish and know pyramids and zosters, longnose, certain henniochus and copperbands have a decent chance of not eating SPS. But my favorite butterflyfish...