segmented blenny

  1. Common Blevil

    Had somebody kept segmented blennies(salarias segmentatus)

    I saw that fish online, and it sometimes appears at LFS'. From what i know it's just more colorful relative of a lawnmower (salarias fasciatus), that is smaller. If so, it must appear in the tanks more often, but i see only a few threads(two of which are mine) on english, german and polish...
  2. Common Blevil

    Segmented blenny in 15 gallon?

    My LFS is selling this fish, and i love it the most from all of the other available reef blennies. It is also pretty cheap compared to blennies in the ecsenius genus. Should i get one? I also have two yellow clown gobies, and maybe in the future will sell one(they do not want to pair up)...
  3. D

    Segmented blenny - not eating?

    Hello, I purchased a segmented sailfin blenny along with a diamond goby 9 days ago. I have never seen the blenny eat. I've tried a variety of foods, but is hasn't seem interested in any. (Flakes, pellets, frozen mysis, frozen seaweed blend, nori (on clip and rubber banded to pvc, algae waffer)...