R2R is looking for some knowledgeable individuals to write up informational articles and post them up in the appropriate forum.
Once you've written the article, post a link to that article here in this thread. You will have one month to write your articles. At the end of the month, all the submitted articles will be judged by Team R2R, and we will select a first place, second place and third place winner. Winner selection will take two weeks. The winners will have their articles stickied in the appropriate forum and Rev will also feature them on the home page. Each of the top 3 articles writers will receive a Reefkeeper Lite System, and every article that meets the criteria and that Team R2R deems a "good" article will receive a R2R reef discount card. Everyone who writes a good article will win something!
Rules: in order for an article to qualify for this contest, the following rules apply;
1. All articles must be posted on R2R
2. All articles must be written by the individual posting them and cannot be "borrowed" from another source.
3. All articles must be newly written for this contest. Sorry, but previously written articles will not count, as the goal is to generate new content for the site.
4. All articles need to be posted in the appropriate forum in their own individual thread and must be limited to a single post.
5. All articles must contain accurate information on a marine aquarium related subject, must be a minimum of 500 words, and should contain pictures relative to the subject matter.
6. All articles need to be spell checked and should contain proper punctuation as much as possible. (R2R may edit the article to reflect these changes)
7. All articles will become property of R2R to feature on the site in the article section or as stickies of a particular forum with proper credit given to the author.
8. A minimum of 30 articles need to be received before prizes are issued. Contest will continue until 30 is reached.
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