
  1. Jay00498

    Massachusetts Lighting LED SOLD Maxspect Razor X R5 300w

    Looking to sell my Maxspect Razor X R5 300w LED fixture. In great condition and works flawlessly. Unfortunately I just cannot hang them from my ceiling and the mounting legs just don’t do it for me. Going to switch to reefbreeders fixture with BOT arms. Dimensions - 47.2" L x 10.2" W x 1.25" H...
  2. Alan Rodriguez

    Maxspect Razor 300w settings

    Hi, I recently switched over to the new Razor X series LED (60in) to light my 120gal. Thing is after acclimating my mixed reef for a month I can now start playing with the settings without stressing or burning them. My question for anybody out there is what settings I should follow with the...