activated carbon

  1. S

    Crystal clear water goes yellow after carbon added!!!

    Hi! just cleaned my HOB Seachem Tidal filter today. Added new sponge but reused of course my Seachem Matrix. I haven't run carbon before but thought it wouldn't hurt so I added a bag of Fluval activated carbon media. My water was crystal clear before and now it's turning more and more yellow...
  2. C

    0 Phosphates

    Hello i am fairly new to the hobby and started back in early June so my tank is about 4 months old. I was not happy with my nitrate levels so i started carbon dosing vodka to lower them and for around the first 3 weeks i was noticing them go down and then they did not seem to go down any more...
  3. Northern Flicker

    Carbon media for toxic warfare/water clarity but do not want to strip PO4.

    Hi all, I have a beloved toadstool in my tank with SPS and LPS coral. I also have some Zoas. I like the idea of running some carbon simply as a preventative if/when coral warfare happens (perhaps after fragging). However, reading about the most popular carbon - ROX 0.8 - it seems like this is...
  4. Smallslandreefer

    Activated carbon with corals with low to moderate par demand

    So what i have noticed whenever i place a small bag of activated carbon in my 100 gallon some zoas ( not all) and some other corals seem to close up a bit. The reason i place the carbon in the first place is to clear up the yellow pinkments in the water. I have read that activated carbon removes...
  5. O

    what happens when i don't change my carbon?

    The carbon I use recommends that I should change every month, what would happen if I just leave it in the tank? Would it leach out the chemicals that it absorbed?
  6. Chelymay

    Do I need ceramic rings when I have lots of live rock and crushed coral sand?

    Hi everyone, Do I need ceramic rings when I have lots of live rock and crushed coral sand? I have so many bio rings in the pump compartment of my JBJ 45 AIO. I had to use a mesh laundry bag to put it in so I can remove it to get to the pumps. I am used to having a freshwater aquarium which...
  7. lazycouch

    good way to use activated carbon?

    hey everyone, attached is an image of how the back of my tank looks like (built in sump 30g total) and i was thinking of adding a filter sock/mesh bag of activated carbon on top of the porcelain rings you see there. i was wondering if anyone has had success using a filter sock/mesh bag for your...
  8. Peach02

    Should I run Carbon?

    Ive been looking to improve my 30 Gallon mixed reef recently and I've come across lots of people recommending carbon and lots of people saying it slows or stops coral growth. Do you run carbon and if so did it effect your coral growth and do you use a reactor or a sock, whats the difference...
  9. S

    New Jersey FS: Used Nyos TORQ Media Reactor 0.75 Body

    Asking Price: $65 Shipped