aquarium depot

  1. Spydersweb

    No response to several emails

    Is there something going on with aquarium depot? I placed an order last week, but when I checked the order page on my account, nothing shows. I tries to email 2 or 3 times, but no response. I tried calling the number that PayPal gives, and the line doesn’t work. Anything know what’s up?
  2. A

    Aquarium Depot

    Has anyone purchased any coral from Aquarium Depot? If so, how were the condition of your coral?
  3. Sleeping Giant

    Contests not for any Canadians

    What gives with all the contests available to the continental US, and none for your Canadian cousins? It's really not hard to send stuff across the border, there's no just goes in a truck or plane and crosses the border in the same amount of time to send stuff from 1 state to another.