
  1. M

    Red Sea foundation elements dosing ?

    Hi all I’ve recently purchased my fist lps frogspawn coral and it’s my first time dosing foundation elements I’ve use the reef app calculator to accumulate my fist dose according to my current levels I’m not sure if the calcium has calculated correctly anyone know if it’s correct my magnesium is...
  2. Karen00

    How do I approach customizing an AI preset schedule for my tank?

    Hello fellow saltines, Today is the first full run through of my AI Prime, using Saxby, on my 5g (in acclimation mode). My question is: If I like everything about the Saxby preset then is there a calculator or general scaling formula related to tank depth? Ex: I read that David Saxby's tank is...
  3. Mathieu Lafleur

    Kalkwasser set up

    Hi there, I will be setting up a kalkwasser stirrer tomorrow for my 180gal after years of simply having 3 parts supplement my tank. I was wondering if anyone had a calculator for how much should I be dosing considering I've got a 0.9 ish DKH consommation per day. I found a few calculator but...