colour change

  1. L

    Flame Hawkfish Colour Fading

    Hello, I recently got a flame hawkfish from my reputable LFS, however, when I brought it home I noticed its red colour was slightly fading in some spots. However, over the week, it has gotten worse, looking very faded. He is acting and eating normally, he is always first on the scene during...
  2. flakychips

    EMERGENCY Chromis suddenly greying, blackening, swimming vertically :(

    Is my Chromis dying? :( New reefer here. Quite upset by seeing ourChromis blackening / greying and possibly dying. It keeps swimming vertically in the same area and not sure what to do. It has lost a lot of colour as you can see from the first picture, the streak of blue you see is all that is...
  3. B

    Rapid colour change on percula clownfish

    Hi, This is my first post, but I've been observing this forum for a while and it's amazing. I'm fairly new to saltwater and I purchased an already established fluval evo from a friend a couple of months ago. It's been going well, and my water parameters are pH = 8.0, ammonia = 0, nitrites = 0...
  4. A

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Fighting

    Recently I added in two more fish into my tank, so all up I have: 2 x Clowns, 2 x four striped Damsels (1 new), 1 x Azure Damsel, 1 FoxFace Lo and a Blue Tang (new). Yesterday I noticed my slightly smaller clown attacking my bigger one all day and night and all morning now. It’s been chasing it...
  5. H

    Clown changing colour?

    I just got back from a 3 week holiday and found that one of my orange Oscellaris clowns is now almost completely black. Has anyone ever seen this before or have any idea what causes it?