coral coloration

  1. J

    Why is yellow coral so common in the wild but rare in the hobby?

    Other than yellow colony polyps, yellow fiji leather coral and occasional sun polyps when I walk into any LFS there is very rarely any yellow coral. The few other yellow coral I do see offered is very expensive like gold torches, jawbreaker mushrooms, any zoas with yellow. But whenever I watch...
  2. J

    cyphastrea coloration

    I have this growing cyphastrea (meteor shower type). My question is about its coloration on the edges. Compared to the central green part....the growing, encrusting edges are much darker or even 'browned'. To be clear, I am not worried about it as it is growing fine at a good rate, good PE...
  3. walloutlet

    New to SPS - Checking In On Progress

    Hey everyone, basically as the title states, I'm new into the world of sticks especially Acropora's. Feeling comfortable that I have my system stability and parameters under control and consistently in line with the what we collective seem to agree as good numbers. Basically, no major swings...
  4. Reefer37

    How to Increase Torch Coloration?

    So I've heard and read a lot of different things on ways to help with coral coloration and tried many, just have yet to find any amazing results. Here's a little back story on what I've tried along with current parameters: Tank: 45g JBJ AIO Light: Hydra 52 (I run 16k at 30% with a 1 hr ramp up...
  5. ReefAddiction34

    Help on light opinion for sps in nano tank

    Hey Fellow reefers, I’m looking for some input, opinions, advice for ways to improve my acro coloration. My SPS tank is a 14 gallon bio cube that’s been up and running for several years. Parameters have been very stable and all corals are currently healthy. I have very good coloration but...
  6. Rickyrooz

    Poor SPS Coloration, ICP Test & Pics Included

    Randy, I am having trouble with about 40% of my acropora's, the colors have slowly faded in the past three months, the skin looks thin, recently the polyps are retracted and some have no growth in the past 7 months. Battle Corals Banana Caroliniana February 27, 2017 September 9, 2017...
  7. Rickyrooz

    SPS Colors are faded, polyps are retracted, growth is non existent

    I am having trouble with about 40% of my acropora's, they are faded in color, the skin looks thin, the polyps are retracted and some have no growth in the past 7 months. Battle Corals Banana Caroliniana February 27, 2017 September 9, 2017 ATL Shades of Fall February 27, 2017 September...