dying anemone

  1. AimeeWolf1998

    EMERGENCY Help is my anemone dying!?

    We had a massive butt nitrate explosion, so I had to do a major tank change and I’m not sure my name is dying. Please help or if it’s just stressed.
  2. S

    EMERGENCY Anemone health!!

    hi everyone, this is kind if urgent. So i recently got a anemone and did everything correct into adding it in. I made sure the salinity was ok(1.025), ammonia was 0, nitrite was also 0 and some nitrate. I recently got into this hobby and I read that if you wanted to add corals you would have to...
  3. G

    Anemone dying

    Hi everyone I had my BTA struggling for like 12-15 days. The tentacles haven’t been big for that long and everyday went very small for half day. Yesterday my emerald crab took a piece of it and I put her on a container to be alone and more light on the upper part of the tank. Today she is like...
  4. Uzair Aiman

    Dying anemone

    Hi. First and foremost, I would like to apologise too the anemone demigods and gurus by putting my anemone in this state. I’ve had some personal issues which made me neglect my tank for some time. Lately I’ve been getting back on my heels and refurbishing my tank. Cleaning out the rocks, algae...
  5. ragnarokreviews

    I saved a bleached anemone and want to share this information with others!

    So everyone told me buying a bleached anemone was a waste of time and money but I just had to try to save it, and wanted to educate people on what I did so maybe it can help save more. I know the video footage isn't the greatest, but this project has inspired me to want to start doing a YouTube...
  6. BelleReef

    Almost Dead BTA treatment progress

    My first rainbow BTA started out beautiful, but quickly declined over 2 weeks to the point where it was barely attached to a rock. I decided to treat him with ciprofloxacin according to @OrionN protocol (link below). Cipro treatment for anemones is hotly debated, so I’m going to post it’s...
  7. F

    Is my rbta a lost cause? New reefer needs help

    Hello reef community, I know there’s a lot of forums out there but I can’t seem to find the answer... any help appreciated i got a rose bubble tip anemone and it’s very unhappy or dying. It never settled from day 1 I got it (this is day 14) and it went in between my rocks (not getting much...
  8. C


    So I purchased my first bubble tip anemone and a porcelain crab from my lfs. drip acclimated for 2 hours before entering it into my display. It decided to set up camp behind the rock work so photos are hard but will attach below. today i noticed it was completely deflated and shriveled I quickly...
  9. G

    My first anemone open mouth. I need help

    My tank 14 gal peninsula about 1 year old. 8 pounds of rock 6 pounds of rock were live rock and the rest were dry. Live sand about 3/4-1in sand. Have only carbon and gfo with media and hd prime 10 hour about 20% on uv blues and 10% on white. So I pick this rbta about 2 weeks ago. Right before...
  10. T

    Dying anemone

    I purchased live rock and unknowingly it came with a baby bubble tip nem. My tank is about a week old and not established at all. The nem isn’t doing so well and only comes out when the lights are off sometimes. What do i do?
  11. R

    Is my Sebae dying?

    I need some help with my Sebae. He has not seemed happy since I have bought him. I have had him for about a month now. Sunday he started to look really bad his mouth is open pretty wide. He is not loosing his color and he is still eating. It might just be stress but I would like some other...
  12. AceShadow_Reefer

    Help me save this Elite Reef Colorado Sunburst

    Hey all, A while back I made the mistake of purchasing a Colorado Sunburst BTA... Here's the story: (if you wanna skip straight to my struggle go right to the end) I was excited. I had a very successful nano softy tank with 2 clowns and I was driving home with my very first anemone... A...