encrusting coral

  1. H

    New York Live Goods Zoas, Favias, Chalice, Encrusting Corals - Tank Grown - Free shipping at $300

    I have some fully aquaculutred corals for sale. These have been in my systems for years and all cut corals are fully healed and encrusted. Shipping is $40 or free at $300. Standard 2 Hour DOA just send me a photo of the dead coral both in and out of the bag within 2 hours of delivery time. I...
  2. musaabi

    Encrusting coral removal

    Changing out my rock work and I have a beautiful electric daisy stylo that I placed on the rock work a while back. It has since spread around 3 inches in circumference. What’s the best way to remove it from the rock work to I don’t kill it. I’m looking to see if I can get a stone saw to try to...
  3. hexcolor reef


    The polyp extension amazing. Just wanted to share this. Comment with your styloconiella coral I dragged this twice so far. I’ll continue to frag this one. As I have others and seen other stylo but never seen polyps put out like brooms
  4. hexcolor reef

    Encrusting Coral and Gravel?????

    Will encrusting coral, lepton’s, chalice, stylo etc. will they encrust over gravel medium? I’m placing a lot of my encrusting coral at the bottom of the tank but not on rocks but gravel. I created a hill slope with gravel in my display tank and would like the encrusting coral to cover it. Has...
  5. W

    Stylophora encrusting?

    Hi all, I was under the assumption that stylophora wasn’t an en encrusting coral but mine looks like it’s has grown over the epoxy?
  6. Nik Pagano

    Coral ID

    Hello I got this encrusting coral a few weeks ago and it seems to be growing really well. However I’m not totally sure what it is. I asked the associate at my LFS if it was a monti and they said no. But they couldn’t think of what it was at the moment. I got it on around Feb 7 and it has grown...
  7. London_pico_reefer

    Encrusting coral ID

    Hi everyone, bought this encrusting sps, looks maybe like a leptastrea of some kind but I don’t see any kind of big polyps, maybe it’s closed but not too sure, any help with an ID would be great
  8. M

    Favorite encrusting coral?

    Favorite encrusting coral? Hi R2R community! First time posting a question on R2R. I’m not new to the hobby, been in and out of the hobby for nearly 30 years since I was in middle school, but it’s been about 15 years since I’ve last built a system, and boy have things changed!. Over the last 8...
  9. ipsomatic9

    New poster, new coral… what dis?

    Hey all! Just got this little fella yesterday and I’m not positive what it is. It’s deep purple with teal flecks (maybe the mouths??). No visible polyps at all even during a feeding routine.
  10. Ocean_dreamer89

    Encrusting coral ID

    Hi Friends! Can anyone help with identifying this coral? The base is white and the polyps are a neon green/yellow. Thank you in advance!