
  1. IHave0LifeExperience

    Will my 32 flex stocking work?

    im planning on getting the saltwater fluval flex (32.5 x 15.35 x 15.75") and i just want to know if this stocking list would work, forgive my lack of understanding or intelligence as i have only done basic research on reef tanks (know a bit about just "saltwater" tanks though) purple firefish...
  2. Fishies2019

    Is this good advice??

    Hello! I currently have a 15 gallon fluval flex with a stock LED strip for lighting Tank is about 3 months old with green bay packer zoas, xena, clowns, one royal gramma, cleaner shrimp, live rock, and 1mushroom. Ive noticed my zoas open and close occasionally. PH-8.1, SAL 1.026, ammonia 0.50...