So i already starting to buy everything i need for my easy low tech tank set up. I already bought a 60*30*30 cm(24*12*12 inch) tank, waiting for lamps to arrive, and also looking for tank gear in LFS'.
For rock I'm going to use live tank rock and sand. Sand and salt will be from Aquaforest...
So pretty much I love the look of caulerpa and made an external refugium and put some in, it grew 5 new “leafs” in 24 hours. Before adding it in both my nitrate and phosphate where at 4ppm now both have shot down to zero. Should I dose some nitrate and phosphate?
I'll keep this brief: in in dire need of some snails for my macroalgae tank, and I have had 0 luck finding some avaliable. My lfs screwed me over today and sold me a dead dove snail, and online shipping prices are unreasonably costly. If anyone in the Sacramento or Roseville area is has any...
Google images thinks it’s a land mushroom. It’s on an oyster I got at a market. Thought I would try that oyster thing in the tank theory while my tank is all inverts. Also, I really wanted the barnacles and limpets that were on the shells. *grins shamelessly*
I'm in Las Vegas, NV near UNLV. I just got my shipment of pods and sea lettuce from AlgaeBarn and they included a extra jar of sea lettuce. It's free to a new home if you're nearby.