
  1. Falreef

    Connecticut Livestock Trade MTS - Multiple Tank Syndrome - Big Update and Corals for Sale

    Not sure this is the correct place. But I’m going to post pictures of my 8 home tanks, 1 Rubbermaid container. I’ll get around to posting pictures of my office reef tank as well. They are all very heavily stocked and probably time to sell some things off, to free up room, reorganize...
  2. Leo1

    Nano Build First personal attempt at acclimating k-class endlers (and mts) to reef

    Recently, I started up a reef tank on a previously freshwater planted fluval edge. The tank is about 2 weeks old, but I attempted to help it cycle by the introduction of rocks from my other system. I also added some corals mainly as a warning system in case the tank didn’t cycle properly...