
  1. E

    Unknown bugs on zoas

    I try to look at my tank at night when everything is off because that’s when everything comes out, I saw these crawling all over my frags of zoas one of them is kind of fluorescent with I did not like because dosent that mean it’s eating my zoas? But they just look like pods of some sort to me...
  2. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Worm with 2 tentacles?

    Found this 10 mins ago. There are a bunch of them. Seems like when the lights go out, they come out. Are they good or bad. Also, what do they eat and what is it? What do they do?
  3. B

    Using Twinstar Nano or similar electrolysis in reef tank?

    The answer here is most likely “lol, no” because of, but still giving it a try: Being quite happy with the Twinstar Nano in my planted freshwater tanks, and positively surprised by the Mame (Japanese) glass / wooden airstone skimmer, plus...
  4. Lylelovett

    Do you decrease/alter flow at night?

    Hi all, I'm beginning to fine tune my wave makers and was curious what you all do at night, if anything? Do you decrease your flow? If so, by how much? Adjust waves? Etc? Any other thoughts? Thanks!
  5. Jizu Puentes

    "Sleeping" Fish Pics

    I captured this photo of one of my yellow staghorn damsels trying to blend in between my nepthea and rock last night. Any of you have neat pictures of your fish "sleeping"?