
  1. V

    Can anyone ID what this is on the skeleton of my wall hammer?

    In person it looks like a white blob with little spiky looking extrusions. assuming its a sponge? I've noticed it not filling out as much as usual. TIA!!
  2. S

    Can anyone tell me what this is?

    It doesn’t look like cyano, it doesn’t come off when i rub it vigorously it feels kind of soft like a sponge.
  3. reefsaver

    Yellow growth? Weird Mussel? What’s this?

    Does anyone know what this yellow is? There’s also a wired mussel looking thing lol
  4. alex__

    White stringy thing on rock??? Please help !

    Ive only just noticed it today, the tank is only a couple months old. Please help identify, after browsing the web i still haven’t found anything like it haha, It’s only around an inch big and it looks like it has pores
  5. Edison Coltro

    Sponge? ID

    Hey guys, Anyone knows what this is?
  6. C

    EMERGENCY What kind of sponge is this?

    So I thought this was hard but it turns out it’s not not hard so i’m guessing sponge? What kind is this??? It just started growing in my tank randomly and I have no idea what it is