urchin issue

  1. kammycat2002

    Can my urchin be saved?

    My pincushion urchin has been showing signs of stress for about a week. I did a water change and I think I messed up the salinity and made it too low. He spawned and then stopped moving around the tank. His little grippers and spines would move, he would react when touched, he just would not...
  2. reeferbabe

    Is my sea urchin dying? Please help!

    My sea urchin has been hiding for about a week and looks stressed. I am desperately hoping that he’s not dying, but he doesn’t seem to be improving. Any suggestions on what I can do to save him? Thanks in advance for your help!
  3. David100

    Lost my pincushion urchin and im not sure why?

    (I MEANT TUXEDO URCHIN (Sorry for the confusion) Im quite bummed out about this as I really enjoyed watching this little guy. He was purchased about a month ago and was acclimated for about 2 hours, and was put into the tank. For the last 3 weeks, he has been all over the tank (It its FULL...
  4. sackles

    URCHIN help!

    Afternoon ladies and gents, I purchsed a urchin today as part of my CUC but i have a problem, "he" seems to have lodged himself in a hole in my rock and i cant get him out, common sense says he walked in he can walk out, but what if he gets stuck?
  5. D

    EMERGENCY My Maroon hermit is killing my urchin.

    I have a maroon hermit crab (I believe that is what he is) and a pincushion urchin in the same tank. My urchin is very dear to me and the crab is killing the urchin. He will go up to the urchin and rip his small tentacles and lots of spines off. I stop this whenever I see it, but my urchin has...
  6. I

    Tuxedo Urchin lost spines

    I recently downsized my 20G reef tank into a 10G, and every animal and coral seems to be thriving except for my tuxedo Urchin. He's acting normal, tentacles extended, but one small section of spines appears to be missing. My guesses are (1) that he's stressed and (2) that my halloween or one...
  7. Cantusaurus

    Tuxedo Urchin looks strange, stressed? falls over?

    Hi, so I got a red tuxedo urchin recently (about 4-5 days ago) A TINY one (aquacultured), I had never seen one this small. I acclimated him (admittedly quickly) I wanted to get him into the tank quickly, but I did do a quick drip acclimation. I put him in and he looked great. The next day he...