white dots

  1. M

    What is happening to my clownfish?

    I bought a 6 line wrasse on 08/13 from my LFS and they have supposedly already treated it with copper for a month. I added it to my DT that already had 2 clownfishes and a cleaner shrimp. I just found out today that my female clownfish presents with some weird stuff on her body. I don’t know if...
  2. A

    EMERGENCY Small white dots on Scopas Tang

    I noticed around a week ago that my Scopas Tang had these small whites dots on his body. I have no clue what they are, I ruled out Velvet and Ich due to the fact that the dots haven’t spread to other parts of his body. I think it might be some sort of bacterial infection possibly. But i’m still...
  3. leotigris

    White trail like dots, what are these?

    Hello, I woke up this morning to find what looks like little white dots/stripes in the formation of a trail on the glass. The last thing I added to the tank were some small nassarius snails. Here’s a picture: Thanks
  4. ChandlerTingle

    White dots on the back corner

    I was doing some cleaning on my Peacock Mantis Shrimp tank and I noticed these white dots zooming around and curious to find out what they are?
  5. RealWorld

    Identification of white crusty patch on Majestic Angel

    My 5” Majestic Angel is acting and eating normally, but I noticed this white crusty looking patch just on one side of his body as shown in the attached picture/video. Does anyone know what this is, what could have caused it and the best course of action to treat it before it gets worse. I first...
  6. hds4216

    Tiny white things growing on back of tank and on glass?

    Hi all - there's a ton of tiny white things with feather-like heads growing on the glass and on the back of the tank. They look exactly like mini feather dusters. Is that what they are? Are they bad or indicative of anything negative? Included is a picture.
  7. M

    Clownfish ich?

    Dear reefers, Yesterday i was looking at 1 of my clowns and i sawe somenthing odd, there are really small white dots on his side. I cant rembember that he had the white spots from te beginning. i've been looking at his behavior but he acts normal and eats well. I dont know if it are white...