
  1. Trevorreilly73

    Biology vs Technology

    Hello Reefers! Long time visitor of the form, now taking the time to ask the question. So I am relatively new to the marine aquarium stuff (7mths in). I have watched far too much videos on everything reef related! I have a nano cube tank (75L or 20g). Mixed reef, 2 x clowns, 1 x goby, 1 x...
  2. legacy2mj

    Frag flat help

    I have a 7 year old display. SPS dominant and have recently put together a small frag tank next to it. It’s a shallow flat (2’ x 2’ x 12”) The tank has its own return pump in the main displays sump. This goes to a UV, the. Splits out of the UV, half to the frag flat and half to the main display...
  3. A

    Coming back to the hobby - missing Jake Adams' wealth of knowledge today. Who's close now?

    Hey everyone! I got out of the hobby about 4 years ago but have continued to be an interested observer and followed the hobby somewhat closely during that time. I'm working on getting back into the hobby within the next couple months and just have to say (because I think a lot of others can...
  4. avanmg88

    Mandarin Dragonet Research Help

    Hi everyone! I am a college student and I'm working on a paper for my Ichthyology class and the topic is on the Mandarin Dragonet. I'm mainly writing about the biology, behavior, and effects it has on the aquarium trade (i.e. economic effect). If anyone is familiar with scientific papers or...
  5. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    So, recently my tang died. Could any of these be a cause of death? Microscope Pics.

    Maybe a copepod? Harmless? A ciliate? Is it harmful? Guessing these are a type of dinoflagellate. Harmful? No idea what this is... And this is my tangs Flesh...after he died. Thinking he may have died from flesh eating worms or flukes.
  6. A

    How do you learn marine biology as a hobbyist?

    hi everyone! hoping this is the right forum to post this. so, i watch quite a bit of reef relate youtube, and am always in awe of people like Jake Adams from reefbuilders & Than from tidal gardens who know the specific scientific names and how each species relate to each other. i'd really...
  7. jason2459

    Our tank's biology up close

    A few weeks ago my microscope broke. It wasn't as old as PaulB's relic (I think he calls it an antique) but it was several decades old. So, I was then overwhelmed and excited with all the new options out there today and got a trinocular microscope with a 5MP camera. 40-2500x. Much stronger...