clownfish not eating

  1. A

    Quarantined clownfish - Copper power and salifert?

    Hello guys. I'm a complete newbie to fishkeeping, despite having a group of 5 sexy shrimps for a while. I've got my pair of clownfish (4-5 cm) 3 days ago, and I did follow the protocol from humble fish. I started with drip acclimation in 45 minutes, followed by a 45-minute formalin bath which...
  2. M

    Sick Clownfish Won’t Eat

    I have a pair of clowns who were acting so strange. I had them for 9 months now and i noticed they were swimming weird, breathing super fast, and they weren’t eating. Long story short I now have them in quarantine and added copper. They’re doing soooo much better. I am so relieved to see them...
  3. B

    Clownfish not eating & other problems (Fluval 13.5)

    I've had a Fluval 13.5 for exactly 1 year now. 6-8 months in, the tank was thriving. 2 snowflake clowns, several corals, inverts. On month 9-10, dinos hit. I mostly kept it under control but not before losing a few corals. Inverts died off quick and anything new I added was dying instantly...
  4. jtlong

    Clownfish not eating day 4

    I have an Evo 13.5 and I have 2 new clownfish. There are no other fish just a new assortment of LPS corals mostly. My nitrite levels were at a .5 for the first 3 days and I did a 50% water change. The tank is 4 weeks old and has cycled. upon putting the fish in (2x occys) they began hosting the...
  5. Gretchacha

    Whitefish roe from WholeFoods for clownfish that won’t eat

    My clownfish in QT hasn’t eaten in over a week and is getting weak. I’m desperate to get something in his belly. My WholeFoods has whitefish roe processed only with salt that I can get tomorrow. Any thoughts on this as a food to get him eating again...
  6. H

    EMERGENCY Black Storm Clownfish NOT EATING

    Hey Everyone, New to this page and was hoping to get some insight or advice to help myself out. I recently purchased 2 captive bred baby black storm clownfish from my LFS. Size is around 1 Inch or less so super small and my first fish to introduce into the tank. I purchased them back on Friday...
  7. jackalexander

    Small Clownfish Not Eating

    My small baby clown sits near the sand and seems like it’s hard for him to swim. He isn’t reacting to feedings, any ideas on what I should do?