leather coral id

  1. J

    Soft Coral Identification from Raja Ampat, Indonesia

    I've been obsessed with videos of Raja Ampat and have stocked my reef with mostly fish and coral native to the region and plan to eventually make it a full biotope. This coral really caught my eye. It appears to be some kind of gold/yellow leather coral but I can't tell what and Inturalist which...
  2. D

    Neon Green Gonipora

    I just bought this green gonipora today. It has been dipped and put in the tank for a couple hours now but it won’t seem to open up and I’m not sure. It had opened up just about a quarter inch before and then I moved it and moved it back to the original spot and it still hasn’t opened. All the...
  3. Zoa_Fanatic

    Devils hand leathers

    So I was just gifted two small, what I believe to be, devils hand leather corals. Are these the ones that give off chemicals that stunt the growth of other corals? Forgive my ignorance but leathers, outside of toadstools, are foreign to me.
  4. tech_reefer

    Mushroom and Leather coral ID

    Hi - can I please get an ID on these three corals?