13.5 gal

  1. C

    What sand should I use for my fluval 13.5 EVO?

    Hi I was wondering if anyone could give me advice on what sand I should use for a 13.5 fluval Evo tank? I actually bought some "CaribSea Bahama Oolite sand" from a fish store but upon doing some further research a lot of people say its hard for it to settle and may not be a good choice. Also I'm...
  2. introvert.invert_hba

    Tube Anemone Reproduction - 1 to 5 in 3 months!

    Hi!! Has anyone had any experience with tube anemone reproduction? Apparently mine was fertile! I’ve had my tank set up since June (new to reefing, but multiple marine science degrees) and I put one tube nem in and in late July I had a little nem pop up. Two weeks ago, I found two more and this...
  3. W

    What do I need for a tank when on vacation?

    Hey guys in a few months my family is going on a 9 day vacation, I have a 13.5 gallon evo and was wondering what do I need to get for it while on vacation aside from a timer for lights and an automatic fish food feeder, with my freshwater tanks going on vacation for two weeks was always nothing...
  4. M-A-T-T-Y

    Build Thread M-A-T-T-Y's Fluval Evo 13.5g

    Hi all! Last year I moved from a house in the country to an apartment in the city, unfortunately my 4x2x2 Tropical tank could not come and I had been fish-less for a few months. The urge to get back into it was too much a couple weeks ago and I decided to setup a small Fluval Evo and try my...
  5. Tiwo

    Nano Build Frogfish Tank Build/Questions

    So ive been really wanting to get a frogfish tank (specifically a painted or warty frogfish) for the past month or so but i have a few questions on them. Ive decided to go with the Fluval sea Evo 13.5 gal. I want to keep some corals such as zoas & softies maybe some lps down the line. As of...