
  1. A

    Verification of Randy's 2 part recipe calculations and dosing

    Hello, I kindly ask you to verify my calculations for Randy's #1 Recipe for 5-liter solutions and dosing. Part 1 Calcium chloride dihydrate: 500g/3.87 (liters per gallon) equals 661g per 5 liters. Part 2 Baking soda: 594g per gallon corresponds to 786g per 5 liters. The baking soda is baked to...
  2. SomeHappyFish

    For a novice, which supplementation technique do you think is the easiest?

    Seeking responses from seasoned reefers who have employed multiple approaches. We are talking about the simplest supplementation method for a novice hobbist to understand and apply, not the optimal one.
  3. Patoche

    Balling ratio and Part C

    Hello. I understand that using Calcium Chloride and Sodium Carbonate mean that i accumulate Sodium Chloride in my tank (in a good ratio if the products used for KH and Calcium use the good ratio like in the balling method). So we use the TM Part C (or other brand) to keep the good ratio into...
  4. D

    Expiry dates for Component Strong, Component ABCK and 1+2+3+ powders

    Hi Everyone, In need of some help and advice. I've been mixing component 1+2+3+ and dosing for a few years now, but ive just been caught out with no more powders and ABCK. I have visited all the shops near and far my area, and they have no stock or only now carry expired stock. (Australia...
  5. T

    Do you dose any other DIY solutions like Potassium, Strontium etc?

    Hello, I wonder if any of you do not limit yourself only to balling method (with NaCl free salt), but also makes your own solutions of Bromine, Potassium, Iodine, Strontium and maybe even trace elements. Do you follow any specific recipes?
  6. T

    Kalkwasser as the main source of macro? Is anybody using it?

    Hey there, Following @Randy Holmes-Farley advice and BRS videos, I am keen on trying Kalkwasser as the key source of Ca, Alkalinity and pH increase. The primary reason is the fact that it is supposedly straightforward followed by lack of additional NaCl accumulation which would require...
  7. T

    Question to Randy - what methods do you use in your tanks?

    Hello, First of all - thanks Randy for your contribution to spreading knowledge on this forum. Without you I wouldn't learn many things I have never heard about it, despite the fact I do not like going with the easiest and most common solution and thus I like to explore and experiment. I...
  8. R

    Standardizing ABC dosing to mesh RHF, TM and BRS’s recipes *with concentrations*

    I’ve been using randy’s recipe for many years and added Tropic marin’s part C 3 years ago. I also began toggling the alk additive between bicarbonate, soda ash and lye to finely tune and maintain a high; stable pH. Tropic marin’s recipe is very diluted- I would have to mix, store and dose over...
  9. Reef and Dive

    Interview with many NEW ideas from Fauna Marin’s CEO Claude Schumacher

    I’m part of a Brazillian group of reefers that get together every week to discuss online reefing topics (Amigos do Marinho, YT Chanel ForipaReef). I would like to share with you an interview we made with @Fauna Marin CEO, mr Claude Schumacher, where we discuss with him many interesting topics...
  10. alexandre4100

    Potassium Iodide should be added to which of the 3 part solutions?

    Hi! I never had the colours I wanted in my corals, so I decided to perform an ICP test. The only big gap was Iodine, so I started dosing RF Potassium Iodide manually. Just 2 drops per day and It made a HUGE difference! My dosing pumps have 3 part dosing (AF Components Pro) and Vodka. I'm...