candy cane coral

  1. G

    I don’t know what is wrong with my candy cane coral

    I’ve had a candy cane coral in my tank for a couple months now, it was doing good up until a little over a month ago where it started showing it’s skeleton and these pink tubes started to grow out of it. I’ve done water changes and target feed it, nothing is helping. What should I do?
  2. krystiana_exclusive

    weird bump coming out candy cane coral

    i had just finished feeding them and noticed just this one had this weird lump looking thing coming out of it, does anyone know what it is ?
  3. I

    California Live Goods Zoas pack for sale.

    WYSIWYG sold Pack consisted of (from top to bottom, left to right.) Tutti fruiti+blk Cherries, LA lakers, infamous RR Krakens, Old school Rastafarians, Icefire, Blue Berries, Green Bay Packers, True SpongeBob SquarePants and Pink&Gold + JF Fairy Tales. Plus Nick Fury and Jf Capt...
  4. G

    Im doing something wrong and not sure what.

    Good evening everyone. Im 5 months into my evo 13.5, i have 3 fish, some life rock, 2 torch corals, a zoa frag and a tripple head of candy cane. Prams are sal - 1.026 mag 1440 calc 380 alk 11.5 phos 0.08 nitrates 5ppm ammonia and nitrite 0 My torches are doing ok, slowly splitting but nothing...
  5. TheBirdsNest

    Candy Cane Health Issues?

    Hello folks! Hope everyone has had a great weekend! I'm relatively new to the hobby and got my first Red Sea Reefer 250 a couple of months ago.. Last week I added my first corals and all seem to be doing well with the exception of my Candy Cane.. The first 2-3 days it looked happy but now it...
  6. 65Naja

    Florida Live Goods $10 & $15 Frags buy 3 the 4th is free

    Local Pickup only Central Florida 32163 The A - D Hammers are $15 E - G Hammers are $10 - The Chalice "H" is $15 Frags 1 - 20 are $10 21 - 34 are $5
  7. H

    Illinois Live Goods Selling Fish/Coral/LR/Inverts/anemone including Black Storm Clown pair, royal gramma, pajama cardinals

    Breaking down tank. Location is Westchester, Illinois. Sales Final, I don't offer shipping for the live stock. Fish Black Storm clown pair - $50(sold) Royal gramma - $10(sold) pajama cardinals - $15 (for both)(sold) --------------------------------------------- Coral Candy Cane deep...
  8. Ryan's.Reef

    Build Thread Reef Showcase Ryan’s Reef 10 gallon nano

    Here is my 10 gallon tank! Started back in February of 2022 this is what she looks like now! Animals Housed: 2 oscellaris clownfish 1 scarlett skunk cleaner shrimp 3 turbo snails 1 naussarius snail 2 rose tip BTA’s (now 3 after split) 1 candy cane or trumpet kryptonite coral 1 devils hand...
  9. C

    What is growing on my candy cane?

    I have noticed a small tube growing on my candy cane, since I've noticed it I can also see that the candy cane isn't quite as "happy" as it was before. Any ideas on what it could be? Pics below: I did recently spot feed some reef roids which is what is being dragged towards the tube.
  10. Matt Bravo

    Candy cane receding?

    Hey guys so I’ve had this CC for about a month now and I realized that the mouth part looks like it’s sinking a lot. Is this a problem? If so how do I deal with it? I think there’s some skeleton starting to show as well
  11. Zoa_Fanatic

    Lower candy cane heads dying

    So I have this monster candy cane colony. They started as 2 heads 2 ish years ago. I’ve found that the smaller heads beneath the large mass of the colony are losing tissue and receding. It’s really only like 2-3 heads. And they don’t get any light because of the sheer mass of the colony. Is this...
  12. Regalcinema

    Hitchhiker in my candy cane!?!?

    Hello everyone, recently I got a candy cane coral, I haven't noticed anything unusual until today I noticed what looks like a small tentacle extending out of one of the mouths I haven’t seen never seen this before. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this… below is a link to a short YouTube...
  13. JennyH3

    Candy cane - look ok?

    Should I move this guy to better light? Does he look ok?
  14. Zoa_Fanatic

    Candy cane coral stupid question

    This is going to be a really stupid question but as my candy canes split should they tissue cover the entire skeleton or just about an inch below each head? They’re around 50 heads now and the tissue doesn’t cover anything but between heads that are close together and about an inch below each...
  15. D

    Neon Green Gonipora

    I just bought this green gonipora today. It has been dipped and put in the tank for a couple hours now but it won’t seem to open up and I’m not sure. It had opened up just about a quarter inch before and then I moved it and moved it back to the original spot and it still hasn’t opened. All the...
  16. tdburchett

    ID something growing on Candy Cane Coral

    Any idea what these stringy things are growing on my candy cane coral? Should I be concerned, and if so, would a dip in Coral rx solve the issue?
  17. A

    Candy cane coral dying skeleton exposed

    Hello, I have 3 candy cane corals in my tank. The flesh on one of them has steadily been receding over the past few weeks. Now most of the skeleton is exposed with very little flesh left, I realize that this one might be beyond saving. The other 2 candy cane corals have been doing fine until...
  18. C

    EMERGENCY! Suspected BJD on Candycanes

    Just started on the top one about two days ago. Did a water change last Sunday using a different salt, but didn’t affect my overall parameters too much. Previously both were doing perfectly fine, and have been for months on end. Top one had always had a massive “bubble” where multiple polyps...
  19. Zoa_Fanatic

    Candy canes show off

    My name says zoa fanatic but candy canes are my passion. Anyone else love this coral? How big is your colony?
  20. G

    Whats happening to my Candy Cane Coral? the color came right off..

    Hey everyone, Long story short I was cleaning my tank and accidentally brushed up against my Candy Cane coral. Instantly the green color came off, Is this natural or is this the beginning of the end for it? Parameters look pretty normal salinity is a little high at 1.030 but that's why im doing...
  21. M

    Is this a pest on my Candy Cane?

    I noticed two heads right next to each other starting to recede. I cut one off the other day and it exposed this red stuff I can't identify. It looks kind of like the color of coralline algae, but is semi-transparent. The head that it is on is receding near the substance in question, and...
  22. Timich

    Candy cane help! Please!

    Please help me who knows what might be going on. So I had this candy cane next to my hammer for several months. No problems. Hammer didn't grow as much as the candy grew almost triple since I first bought it. The skin of the candy is like dissolving. At first I thought it was splitting. But it...
  23. C

    Candy cane help!

    Does anyone know what’s on my candy cane ! ? Can anyone help in identifying any pest or worms that like candy canes. Is it to far gone ? Or can I dip it ?
  24. Zoa_Fanatic

    How long for candy canes to recover?

    I have some candy canes that have recently become super super mad for some reason. They deflated one day when I raised the pH of the water by 0.2 over about three days and now have slowly been reinflating during the day but looking like crap at night. Before and after pics attached. Any idea...
  25. Zoa_Fanatic

    Candy Cane Corals not inflating

    I've had these guys 8 months. They've gone from 2 heads to 20ish. The last 2 or 3 days they haven't wanted to inflate at all with the tissue held close to the skeleton. Tank is nearly 7 years old. Parameters are: Nitrate - 5ppm Nitrite - 0ppm Ammonia- 0 ppm Calcium - 520 ppm pH - 8.2...