clown breeding

  1. R

    Clownfish pair has eggs and not sure sure what I should do?

    I had my clownfish for 3 years now and have laid eggs for the first time and I’m not sure what I want to do but leaning towards letting nature take its course. I’ve got a saltwater and a freshwater tank and never have dealt with this before. I’d love to hear from people who have experience with...
  2. D

    Small clutch go clownfish fry

    My clownfish recently started laying and this is their second time laying in my tank and they have laid before but not in my tank and there are a lot of eggs but only 20 hatched each time and there is complete darkness water quality is perfect but still only get a few
  3. J

    Looking for clownfish pair ready to spawn or that have spawned or female clown ready to spawn

    Looking for clownfish pair old enough and ready to spawn or that have spawned or female clown ready to spawn 2 years or older clowns only
  4. GothFishKeeper

    How does clownfish sex changing work in a colony

    I’m a bit confused on clownfish sex changes work… I know if you just have a pair the dominant one is female and the other is male, but what about a colony? I was under the impression that any number of clowns had one female, one male, and the rest ungendered, but I am now told that “there will...
  5. GothFishKeeper

    If a tank has multiple types of clowns, will there be multiple females?

    I work at a lfs and today a customer wanted to buy the lone mai tai clown we had and put it with the mai tai he had in his tank already. He said he also had other kinds of clowns in the tank and they got along well. The question is that since our mai tai was alone, it would’ve been female...
  6. S

    What is this behaviour?

    So my female clown (I'm assuming is female cause her size) I've had for 3½ years while the smaller one (assuming male) I've had for maybe 2 years. They've been doing this, and mouthing up sand, and tailing finning (kicking) sand up also. (I know my algae is bad) But is this submission or mating?
  7. nycfreshreef

    Are my clown fish pair going to have babies (video in post) they are dancing and shaking a lot

    Hello Everyone I just wanted to get your thoughts on this clownfish pair that host the corner of the tank, they have been wiggling together a lot and it seems the male has also started chasing the female a lot these past 24 hours , do you think they might be getting ready to have babies ? If so...
  8. H

    Massachusetts Live Goods Breeder clownfish x4 pairs

    Have 4 pairs of breeder clowns for sale. Ideally I’d like to sell them all and the tank if someone wants it. $1200 for everything. Due to moving I need to downsize. Contact me for better video/pictures
  9. Fenwickwick

    Is This Nesting Behavior From a Clownfish?

    Is this nesting behavior? She’s never shown a bit of interest in the sinularia in over 2 years. Now she’s hosting it like it’s an anemone and has a particular interest in the little hole in the middle of the zoathids. She’s even pecking at some of them. She’s also a giant ****** when you put...
  10. hexcolor reef

    Clown fish with yellow inside of white band???

    Just picked up this premium clown fish and it has yellow color inside of its white band. Is this a rare effect or are there clown fish with this original coloring ? I’d like to breed this with some of my other clown fish in hopes of continuing this color way if it’s not a temporary thing
  11. Kristopher Conlin

    How I successfully raised baby clownfish

    I slightly panicked for a second when I first saw a bunch of little orange dots in my aquarium right next to my ocellaris clownfish and their anemone. My immediate thought was that it was some weird algae or pest. A few seconds later I realized my clowns had laid eggs! I thought it was pretty...
  12. Rose Garden Reef 96

    Clowns ready to breed?

    I have two frostbite clowns and they are about a year or so old. They have started acting odd and I was wondering if this is possibly breeding behaviour. They used to host my return pump head however now they like hiding on a edge I have as well as they have been cleaning a few spots on the...
  13. An_Enemy

    Raising my clown's eggs for the first time and getting some interesting patterns!

    My clowns have been spawning for years and I finally decided to try raising them. Glad I did, there's so many interesting ones appearing! :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:
  14. PinkLadyLVT

    Hatched a batch of Gold Nugget maroon clownfish eggs!

    My beloved pair of Gold Nugget maroon clowns gave me a nice batch of eggs after 3 years. Dad took wonderful care of them over the last week, cleaning and aerating them. I watched their development and we moved them last night on hatching night, and we have about 50 hatched so far! All swimming...
  15. M

    Female snowflake Male Maroon

    Not getting any clear answers all i keep getting is Maroon are aggressive (obvious). Ive been into saltwater maybe 6 months. Breeding clowns is a huge interest. Have bred various(even hard to breed freshwater). I purchased a few baby clowns of different colors. The snowflake is a hair bigger and...