For months, my reef was at war. It started with a single frag—one innocent addition to my frag tank. But hidden in its polyps was a monster. Aiptasia. A relentless, invasive pest that spread like wildfire. Before I knew it, my frag tank, my sump, even my overflow box—all were overrun. My...
Hello all! I'm posting here because I am sort of at a loss. I have spent a good chunk of time over the past week that I have been acclimating my copperband butterfly combing over posts related to how finicky they are of eaters. I have gone down every rabbit hole I can find- from stray voltage to...
What's your favorite natural aiptasia eradication method?!
I had one peppermint shrimp in a 75 gallon that disappeared and shortly after the aiptasia started to reappear.
I'm thinking of trying a Copperband but have heard too many unsuccessful stories
And I don't find the filefish to be the...
Hi guys, I recently picked up a very healthy Copperband from my trusted LFS. He was feeding on various frozen foods at the store when I bought him. He has acclimatised to my tank well and feeds on frozen mysis and devours live muscles.
Recently I have noticed a buildup of small white and...
Hi all,
I'm sure there are plenty of threads on this but I wanted to start my own instead of waking up an old thread again.
I just got a Copperband butterfly this weekend which is a fish I have had some interest in having but I knew how difficult they can be, I've been able to keep other...
So I’ve had this copperband for about 2-3 weeks. He was eating great when I got him, he needed some time to eat in my tank (about less than a week after getting him). He was eating super agressively. Now he won’t eat. I’m wondering if anyone has had problems with copper bands eating then not in...
Dive into a world of elegance and innovation with the all-new Copperband Butterfly Fish Feeder from Printed Reef!
Enhance your aquarium experience and treat your underwater friends to a feast in style. Easy to install, mesmerizing to watch – because your aquatic pals deserve the best! Upgrade...
I have decided to qt my white tail tang along with a copper band and fox face. Doing a 36 gallon and going to observe and then treat if needed. Is this the route to go? I will be keeping the medication on hand and also will be feeding vitamins, as in selcon and/or vitachem. Any advice with these...
I just want to say I’m very happy with drreefsquarantinedfish, I ordered a six line wrasse and a couple of copper band butterflies and recently placed another order for a diamond goby, some cleanup crew critters, a maxima clam and a couple acros. I lost the first CBB I received from them because...
I have recently joined the hobby roughly 3 months ago and my copper that is 2 weeks new to me is showing some white spots on the fins. I’ve never seen ich before and looking at many different threads I’m still unsure to what this is exactly. Any help is much appreciated.