cycle aquarium

  1. FlameangelLover


    Tank stats 40gal breeder Live sand Dry rock Dr Tim’s cycle and ammonia followed exactly what he said It’s day 17!!! And nitrite won’t drop. I did a 50% water change yesterday and added 40 drops of ammonia just to give the bacteria something to snack on and it was gone the next day but nitrite...
  2. B

    First Time Cycling a Tank, HELP

    Hello! I am just reaching a month into my fish less cycle for a 40 gallon tank and I am not sure if I should do a water change. *first tank I have ever cycled* Here are my current testings and I have added ammonia once to bring it up to 4ppm about 4 days ago. 1/18 PH: 7.6 Ammonia: 1ppm...
  3. J

    Starting to see some changes in the cycle .. doing a fish in turbo start method

    Starting to see a change Ph:8.4 Ammonia: .25 Nitrites : .25 (finally seeing something) Nitrates : 10 75 gal tank btw Ammonia already spiked so we will see a spike in nitrites and then nitrates right? And then i would be okay two wc ? I feed my clown twice a day very minimal 5 pellets in...
  4. WoodsieFL

    Build Thread AIO BBDR 20 Gallon Nano

    I’ll keep this build thread short and sweet. I currently live in a 50 gallon mixed reef lagoon system. this system is about six years old and my sand has completely ticked me off which has cause neglect which has in turn caused it to all turn to limestone due to my dosing schedule. SO…. I have...
  5. V

    How to keep a tank cycled without fish added

    Im new to the hobby and I’m currently cycling my first tank (currently on day 2). It occurred to me today that I should also set up a quarantine tank. There’s a good chance that my DT will complete the cycle well before I finish quarantining my fish. My question is how would I keep the tank...
  6. A

    Fish in cycle with Dr. Tim’s bacteria and used filter media

    Hello, I’m starting a new 15 gallon tank. I wanna know if anybody has experience doing a fish in cycle with Dr. Tim’s bacteria. The fish I was going to add would be a hawk fish or pajama cardinal. I also have a good amount of filter media from my 40g tank I can use in the 15g tank. Would the...
  7. GothFishKeeper

    How to cycle large system?

    I recently set up a 65g with a 20g sump, but my clownfish pair is young and small so they’re not really producing any significant amount of ammonia. Someone I work with at my LFS suggested adding a few green chromis so I got three, and being that they aren’t really hardy fish anymore due to...
  8. B

    Cycle questions

    Hey guys so I think my tank is finally cycled everything has dropped to 0 now should I add more of the ammonia from dr tims to 2ppm to see if it will drop to 0 again?
  9. B

    My cycle test wondering how my tank is doing with your opinion

    Here are my test on day 15 used dr tims one and only and it’s ammonia source just wanted some others opinion on how it’s doing
  10. A


    Hello I’ve been cycling my 40 gallon tank for more than 2 weeks. My ammonia has been around 0.25 for the past few days while my nitrite has been 0. My nitrates is 2.5 and it’s slowly going up 0.1-0.3 everyday. Is my tank ready for fish and should I do a water change?
  11. A

    Live Rock Cycle with Dr. Tim’s one and only

    Hello, I’m starting a new 40 gallon tank and I’m wondering if I can use live rock as a source of ammonia so I can add Dr Tim’s one and only nitrifying bacteria. If I can should I add the bacteria immediately?
  12. Guss

    Cycling tank ammonia there but still no nitrie

    Cycling my tank and using api test kit,with microbctar xlm with dr times ammonia, it’s been 9 days my ammonia went down but still no nitrite showing when I test it . How long dose it take for the nitrite to show up?
  13. Jipolley

    Hello New 90 Gallon System

    Hello all, Glad to get into this hobby finally. After many hours of labor and dollar signs I finally have my system running. Its a 85 Gallon shallow tank with a 15 gallon sump below. I have a skimmer running 24/7 and tons of dry rock in the sump. I just added 2 live rock bricks from my friends...
  14. Guss

    is there a difference btw Microbacter QuickCycl and DR tims Ammonium Chloride.

    i getting a bottle of microbacter start xlm, but i can not get the Microbacter QuickCycl, so ended up getting the dr tims ammonia, are they the same? , and do i add the ammonia 1st right then add the bacter xlm after the ammonia depending on tank size.
  15. sangria517

    Math doesn’t seem right.

    I am getting supplies to cycle my 180gallon tank. For a fishless cycle, if I went with Dr Times, 4 drops per gallon x 200 (can’t forget the sump) is 800drops. Figure 2 drops per once that is 40oz of ammonium chloride. However, Dr Timms says a 4oz bottle will do 200 gallons. Am I missing something?
  16. chasing4rabbits

    Did I just kill my cycle?

    Hey. I made an embarrassing mistake. When I put in my new heater for my reef tank, I somehow forgot to put the temperature reading gauge in the tank to monitor the temp and base the heat off the gauge. Therefore my heater was constantly heating up and my tank ended up at 96°F… Thank god I was...
  17. X

    Cycling a new tank - need advice

    Hi everyone! Exciting to be on this forum after seeing this from the 5 minutes series on YouTube. I am moving house in 2 months time and was thinking of starting only then. However, I noticed the cycling period may take around 6 weeks before I can introduce fish/corals. I came from freshwater...
  18. M

    Should I add fish at NO2 at 2?

    Hello everyone. I would like to ask a question about the cycling of my tank. It has been running for two weeks, and I bought live rock from the local aquarium store. For the first ten days, the NH3 level was 0 and NO2 was 0.1. Last Friday, I removed the live rock from the tank for aquascaping...
  19. ReefStash

    How I cycled my mixed reef tank!

    In this video the CADE reef tank build gets cycled with beneficial bacteria. How to cycle a reef tank in 1-2 weeks using Nitrocycle, Turbostart 900 and PNS Substrate Sauce. Live nitrifying bacteria Product links in the description of the video on YouTube: And 2 years later the tank is doing...
  20. L

    Cycle a tank - Whats happening?

    Hello fellow reefers, iam new at this hobby and from the start things going pretty interesting. I started my 30 gallon aquarium a month and a week ago, still isnt cycled. Things that are happening are these: When i started i decided to do shrimp method so u put 2 small shrimps in my tank and...
  21. B

    First saltwater cycle - Help please

    As title suggests; Started a cycle in my 33gallon with life rock, arag alive sand. Dosed turbostart 900 alongside Fritz Fishless Fuel. Recorded 0 ammonia and 0 nitrites after 12 days. Proceeded to dose 2ppm ammonia so I could try and measure Ammonia & Nitrite to 0 again within 24 hours before...
  22. M

    Don't Worry This is The Beginners Guide!!

    Hello Reef2Reef Community! As I was cleaning my tank yesterday, I realized that in two months it will be 1 year in this hobby! I was thinking about how much I have learned throughout this experience and how many errors I have made along the way because I was not properly educated. Some of my...
  23. EmperorsReef

    Cloudy Water for Weeks

    Started a tank this fall and finished cycling with a few clown fish in September. I have been adding a few more fish since and in November I had my first bout with cloudy water. After about two weeks or so with no change in cloudiness I setup ozone and within 72 hours at low levels it cleared...
  24. R

    Do I need ammonia source for macroalgae only tank?

    I just finished cycling a 10g tank that I want to use for macroalgae only. I have chaetogrow, neophos, and neonitro. In addition to dosing those, do I need some kind of ammonia source so the beneficial bacteria don’t die or does that not matter….or is neonitro that ammonia/ nitrogen source for...
  25. U

    Rapid Cycling 125g Reef Tank Questions/Thoughts

    I'm upgrading to a 125 with trigger system 32 sump/refugium. Was experimenting with how quickly I could cycle so tried the following: - 120 pounds of live sand (crushed coral ~3in) - 135lbs of live rock from a 15 year old system. tons of stuff i've observed on these rocks including some ugly...