
  1. Reef Breeder 2013

    Yellowtail Damsel or Blue Damsel?

    In a few days I plan to introduce a Damsel to my tank, but I don't know which one will be better. I feel like it would be better to choose other species, but I'm from Mexico and here we have very limited species. I will make you the list of species that are in my LFS Damsels: Damsel Domino...
  2. A

    White spot on Sapphire Damsel

    Hey guys, five days ago I bought a Sapphire damsel for my tank and today a noticed a white mark on him. I haven’t been able to notice because he’s usually facing the other way and hides in the rock work. He might’ve got the mark from my male clown since he would try to attack the damsel for the...
  3. D

    Need a bit of blue! 60 gallon cube.

    Hey, new to the hobby and looking at stocking options. I’ve a 60cm or 24inch cube tank, making it 225L/ 60 gallons. It’s currently got a lot of arching structure, soft coral and 2 bubble tip anemones. I’ve got a royal gramma which I absolutely love, aswell as a pair of ocellaris clowns. I’m...
  4. Sharbuckles Reef

    Build Thread Sharbuckles Reef Tanks

    I've been meaning to become an active member of R2R for approximately 16 years... So let's see if we can't give this a go. We are coming into reefing season after all. I currently have 3 tanks running. All of which are soft coral dominated. I am a firm believer in keeping livestock that you...
  5. Jack1235


    What type of damselfish or clownfish in 5 gallon tank
  6. P

    Swimming against rock

    I noticed my fish swim against rock when the light comes on in the mornings do you know what could cause this behavior. Ive ruled out parasites because they act normal and look fine during the day they only act like this when the lights come on My ammonia is zero I use R/O for my salt mix...
  7. MyCatHatesMe

    Do blue sapphire damsels eat bristleworms?

    i have heard that blue sapphire damselfish (the peaceful ones) eat flatworms, and i was wondering if they (or any closely related species) have been known to eat bristle worms? obviously im not expecting this random 6 dollar fish to have the appetite of a melenarus wrasse, but i do just want to...
  8. mattybecks

    Cirolanid Isopod - Just live with them, or introduce more Predators? (Blue Damsel)

    I didn't know I had these until recently. I just got back from a 3-week vacation and now I see these Isos in the early morning whilst the room is still dark, before they unlatch from the fish. (They only latch onto my sailfin tang and two tomato clownfish). They leave my group of 5 blue damsels...
  9. introvert.invert_hba

    Blue velvet damsel digging

    Hi!! I’ve had my damsel since June 2022 and overnight it has adapted a digging behavior in its preferred corner of the tank. Curious if anyone has any insight to this behavior and if it is a nesting behavior or trait related to males or females! here is a video of my damsel! Furthermore, my...
  10. Mnmbrix

    A little Serpent Damsel Love

    Is it normal that my smaller damsel won’t stay away from my serpent star? Should I worry? It’s been picked on by my bigger damsel since added and always stayed near the top of the tank. Now it’s at the bottom and won’t leave whatever rock crevice my serpent goes into. They don’t seem agitated by...
  11. TheBiggestFish

    Springeri Damselfish Poll

    Hello everyone, I am going to be posting some more polls like this every so often to get some general opinions & preferences of the reefing community :) There are two variations of damselfish that both listed as springeri damselfish which some speculate to be actually two different fish. Which...
  12. vaguelyreeflike

    EMERGENCY Damselfish has Popeye

    One of our blue damsels at work has popeye. I treated with a drop of Lugol’s iodine directly onto the affected eye to help infection, it looks a bit better two days later. Just wondering what else I can use? im in canada so cant get my hands on maracyn or erythromycin unless chemiclean will...
  13. B

    Blue sapphire damselfish

    Hi, I purchased 3 sapphire blue damselfish yesterday. It has been 24 hours since introduction and they won't come out of hiding. I already had two clownfish (one ocellaris and one percula) in the tank before I introduced them. I also introduced them with a neon blue goby the same day. I can't...
  14. GreatDane_Dude

    Will Damsels host Anemones

    I have a Domino Damsel and I was wondering if it will host an anemone. I was thinking Bubble Tip my LFS has some nice ones. I would (as soon as my tank is matured) like to have an anemone if my damsel will host it. Also any tips on anemone care are greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  15. Zoa_Fanatic

    Cleaner shrimp with 4 stripe damsel

    I hve a biocube 16 led that has some coral and my four stripe damsel in it. He’s my only fish in that tank and I got it specifically for him. Can I put a skunk cleaner in there it will he try to eat it? He’s not agressive like a normal damsel. I moved him because he co-hosted a burrow with my...
  16. G

    Which Type of Blue Damselfish has the Brightest/Most Intense Blue color?

    Hello Everyone, I want to get a Blue Damselfish because of their beautiful blue color, and would like to know if in your experience from what you have kept/seen at your local stores, there was any types of blue damsels that had a brighter/more intense blue color than the rest. From the...
  17. 15aleo

    EMERGENCY 4 dead fish this morning...others in danger?

    I thought my tank was finally ready to add fish, but I woke up this morning to find 4 dead fish. I don't know what I did wrong. I added 2 saddleback clownfish, 2 damselfish, 2 banggai cardinalfish, 2 blue leg hermit crabs, and a turbo snail to my tank last night after double checking the water...
  18. N

    Damsel compatibility

    Anybody have any experience with the yellow tail blue damsel? I’m thinking of adding a couple to liven up the tank. I have a couple clowns. I am concerned with their aggression though. I didn’t want them in the beginning because i heard they can take over a tank. Should I put them in last? Or do...
  19. CaseyNYC

    Anemone hosting clown fish AND Damselfish?? Possible? Pics attached!

    We had a tomato clown hosted by a bubble tip anemone. The tomato was very territorial over her anemone. Not letting her tankmate‘s get too close to the anemone, especially our small maroon clownfish!! The tomato seemed to get friendly recently with our (2) domino damselfish. Well, NOW...
  20. RedSea50Gang

    Azure Damsel missing! Who done it?

    Hi friends! I bought an azure damsel from my lfs two weeks ago now... he seemed happy healthy and vibrant until he went missing 3 days ago. His name was Azi and we miss him. I shifted live rock carefully and slightly looking for him, checked my overflow filter areas...looked around the ground in...
  21. T

    What’s ailing my damsel

    I had 3 azure damsels in quarantine for 3 weeks doing well. My lfs got 4 more in so I snagged them and added them to the quarantine tank. I put a divider in the quarantine just I case. The four recently added have slowed died over the course of a week and a half. I’m not sure what’s causing...
  22. bReefedBaker

    Devil Damsel & Clownfish together “Oh my”!

    Before the Aquarium Police come after me, READ!! I have complete knowledge of these fish being cousins of each other and it’s NOT ideal to house the two species together. (insert checkmark) My tank is my tank, your tank is your tank. This is my tank, thank you. Nice, now that the Aquarium...
  23. Zoa_Fanatic

    Four stripe damsel min tank size

    So I have a 32 biocube and a 16 biocube. I bought the 16 specifically for my four stripe damsel. He’s my oldest (and currently only after the passing of my 10-12 year old engineer goby) fish. I want new fish for my dt but he’s a turd biscuit so I’m planning to put him in my 16. Is that big...
  24. C

    EMERGENCY One year old damsel

    I have a damsel that is about one year old. It has had these holes above the eyes for a few months now. Does anyone have any idea what it could be?
  25. IMG_0752.mov


    6 gallon JBJ tank. 2 damsel fish and clown fish.