
  1. Q

    Hermit crabs dying 1 by 1

    Hello, I started a fishless cycle a 6 weeks ago, saw an ammonia spike, a nitrite spike and some nitrates. Last week I got 2 clowns and 5 hermit crabs of different sizes. The crabs were doing good and looked active the first 3 days. One of the clown was showing lesion marks on the mouth and I...
  2. A

    Dead Pygmy Hawkfish :(

    Just as the title says my brand new Pygmy hawkish has died with in the first 24 hours. I order it online at reef beauties and never had any problems with them. It’s in a 15 gallon tank being the only fish. I also bought a coco worm, feather duster and snails and they seem to be doing fine. I...
  3. N

    Urchin dead whats the weird brown stuff

    Hi guys my urchin seems to have kicked the bucket. I'm just wondering what's going on with this thing after it died. It's got these brown things coming out the side and I just wanna know if anyone's seen this or know what it is? Kinda odd on the side of the urchin like it's "shell" split open.
  4. J

    Dead Fish...Dont know Why

    Hey all, I woke up this morning to a sad day. Both my transparent goby and my clown, along with my camel shrimp & sea hare were all dead. That being said, all of my crabs (hermit & emerald) along with my turbo snails, my tubiflex worm & conch snail are all alive & seem to be doing fine...
  5. ambuncher

    Nighttime predator?

    I’ve been reefing for about 7 years. Started with a 30g hex (awful idea), moved to a 40g breeder, and then transitioned to a 90g about 2.5 years ago. For years now, I’ve had fish just…disappear. At first I thought it was me just being a new reefer, or bad parameters, too sensitive fish, etc. And...
  6. mdock

    Please help!!! Cleaner Shrimp and Snails

    Did my Nassarius snails kill my cleaner shrimp??? I just noticed them all on the shrimp today. He was fine earlier. I couldn’t get them off him. What should I do? Did I do something wrong with him? I thought they only eat dead things so maybe he died and they got to him right away?
  7. N

    Acropora Bleaching??

    Hey all, Got this a acros like 2/3 days ago, and everything was well. but and then after i dipped, the next day it turns like that. This is my first time handling acros so i’m no sure if they are done (dead) or i should just leave them in and see how it goes? and if yes for how long or what...
  8. Dragen Fiend

    My First Molt Experience Blue Legged Hermit Crab

    So my blue legged hermit crab disappeared on me for about 5 days in a 15G tank. Initially I though it died because that sucker could not be found and normally its very active. Low and behold I found it wedge against some rocks underneath. I thought maybe it got stuck because I see its body...
  9. T

    Lost a Seahorse

    Sometime last week, one of our 2 seahorses refused to latch and had some fairly poor behaviors where she started refused to eat. The situation reached a peak where we were dipping her in methylene blue for 30-45 minutes at a time with a bubbler + tube feeding him seachem mixed paste from mysis...
  10. brayden2980

    Possible tank crash due to ramen fire

    Hello, I have a 450 gallon system and it appears to be in the midst of a crash. I dosed the normal things I do everyday, 15 mls 99.5% ethyl alcohol and 20 mls distilled white vinegar for carbon dosing, 44ml all for reef, and 33ml chaeto gro for my fuge. Everything was fine in the tank before I...
  11. E

    EMERGENCY All my fish have died!

    So this morning I woke up to all of my fish laying on the substrate unalived. I have recently been having a nitrate and phosphate spike and have been dosing accordingly to get these numbers down, which have been coming down slowly. Obviously, this means that algae in my tank is RIFE and so to...
  12. His Coral Highness

    No Luck with Zebra Lionfish

    I’m planning on having a zebra lionfish as my last fish addition to my 75 gallon tank but I’m really having no luck with them. I ordered two online and had them die within the week. My parameters are good, all other fish and corals are healthy and growing. Is this common? I’m on the fence about...
  13. SeaweedGecko

    Is this Coral still alive?

    This is a green pavona that turned white with red stripey patches 6 weeks ago and then turned yellow with red stripey patches 5 weeks ago. It has neither gotten better or worse. It seems to still be fleshy. Is it still alive?
  14. His Coral Highness

    Mombasa Dead in 24 Hours

    Just picked up a Mombasa from a local fish store yesterday for my 75 gallon. They said they only had it in the store for about 3 days. I acclimated it pretty slowly and it was hanging out on the rock work most of the night. Then today it briefly started to swim, but it looked weak. Then it lost...
  15. S

    EMERGENCY Clown Pair Randomly Died

    My wife has has a Red Sea Nano up and running for a few months now with a pair of Black Storm clowns from TSM. They were doing wonderfully - fat and happy and always active. Saturday afternoon we stopped at TSM and picked her up a Panama Cardinal and a banded throchus. Acclimated the fish and...
  16. afamuz

    Is my hammer dead?

    Got a hammer 1 week ago. Was doing perfectly fine till i saw my hermit one day eating at it and it had fallen off the rock. Now 2 days later it fully receded and you can see the skeleton. The little tentacles are completely loose and not puffy and it looks dead. The head at the back looks alive...
  17. Zokki

    EMERGENCY Help needed ‍♀️ high ammonia

    Hello, I don’t know how exactly all started but I have high ammonia for over 3 weeks now. I’m adding api ammonia lock, prime, api quick start and stability.I did water change 4 times and ammonia is still the same. I had star fish that my puffer was picking all the time and die and one small...
  18. M

    Came home to my sea hare dead and half it's body missing

    I got this sea hare on Friday from my lfs to combat some hair algae I've been getting and today I came home to half it's body missing(the head half) and the bottom just floating by the sand bed. Now I saw him last night grazing and moving around so I have no idea what could have caused this. Is...
  19. Phoerut

    EMERGENCY Tank crashed - how do deal with the damaged and dead?

    My tank crashed This was the series of events that caused this: Reef flux added 24hours later crazy ammonia spike - why this happened I’m not sure - like off key maxed out my testing kit and I wondered how everything was still alive. Fish okay. Some of my corals look ticked. Urchin was...
  20. E

    Weird algae?

    So a buddy of mine started a reef tank with fish after seeing mine for a while. They made a mistake and somehow something toxic got into the water. He gave me the dying stuff to see if I could save it. Most of the stuff was too far gone and everything died. I kept the corals incase they may be...
  21. chocomallows007

    Do hermit crabs eat live fish?

    I have red and blue leg hermits and just this morning, I saw my hermit crabs eating my Anthias. All was left of the Anthias is it’s bones. When they sleep in my tank they go in the rockworks and so does my Chromises (which are 5 months older). The Anthias and the rest arent sick or anything
  22. J

    Dead Blue Spotted Puffer

    Hello everyone. I have had a blue spotted pufferfish in one of my many at home aquariums for about 6 months now. He was in a tank with a baby snowflake eel and a undulate trigger fish. The tank is a 60 gallon. It was my small/ baby fish tank until they got big enough to move up into my 75 and...
  23. B

    Missing fish

    Hi so earlier this week i notched my cleaner shrimp just went missing. I saw his molt in the powerhead. But didnt think to much untill i couldnt find him. Owell i was upset but maybe he was soft and got stuck idk but few days later my six line is now gone! No evidence. Im clue loose. My...
  24. Danielsj

    Sudden Deaths

    Hey guys so i have just lost both of my clowns today. I have had them for about 2,5 months and they have been thriving eating and not showing any signs of sickness at any point until today. So this morning when i got up my smallest clown was laying on the sand breathing heavy, i fed the tank to...
  25. B

    Woke up to dead foxface.

    Last night I installed a UV sterilizer. I have a dino outbreak (amphidinium) so low toxicity. This morning I woke up to a dead foxface. Last night he was eating and healthy. Quick little fish. I also saw he had some torn fins. But everything in the tank is pretty peaceful. 2 clowns, neon goby...