fish suggestions

  1. GothFishKeeper

    First Salt Tank, suggestions on stocking?

    So I just set up my first saltwater tank, it’s the 13.5g Fluval Evo. I plan on getting a much bigger tank in the future when my living arrangements are different. Not including the space the rock takes up, I have exactly 10g of water in the tank. I have two orange skunk clowns in there, and I...
  2. R

    Stocking a 60 gallon

    Hey all, I’ve got a 60 gallon long tank and am wondering what other fish I should add. I’m looking for something vibrant with colors and that will be a sort of the bigger fish in the tank. (Must be reef safe) So far I’ve got -2 clowns -2 firefish -1 royal gramma -1 orchid dottyback -1 sand...
  3. David100

    Fish Suggestions for a 135 L Tank?

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for some fish suggestions for my m-90 fluval reef tank. Currently, I have x2 clown fish, a peppermint shrimp, and a basic Clean up Crew (CUC). The tank is about 135L, and I'm looking for some utility fish that can help me out with my GHA problem. I also prefer...
  4. Rham1281

    75G stocking ideas

    I am in the process of compiling a list of stock I want to keep in my tank. I plan on having a mixed coral/fish tank and clowns are pretty high up on my list as well. Other than that, I'm not too sure on what other fish I want to keep. Dimensions are: 48'' long, 18'' wide, 21" tall What...
  5. HawaiiTanks808

    Ideas for colorful fish that swim in the mid to top tank

    I have a 75 gallon FOWLR system, it currently has: 2 clown pairs (one ocellaris pair, one black ocellaris pair) 1 blue spotted goby 1 mandarin goby 1 hawaiian white spot puffer 1 tidepool blenny 1 scooter blenny 1 pajama cardinal 1 neon dottyback Im wanting a colorful fish that swims in the...
  6. Peach02

    Wrasse suggestions?

    Requirements: 33gallon tank / 120L tank (display) Won't eat coral Won't eat fish or be agressive Looks nice Relatively resilient Can be bought in Sydney Australia Some of the ones I like the look of