Temp 78
Gravity 1.025
Alk 7.8
Ph 8
Calc 430
Mag 1220
N02 23ppb
N03 31ppm
P04 .02
Nitrites and nitrates are high, but should not be deadly range? ( always seem to hover here i stopped fighting it)
I tested zero copper and ammonia
Are there other trace elements i should be testing? Iodine or...
Hi I’m on the newer side of the reefing hobby, and I have a hammer coral that seems super unhappy. Pictures attached. I’ve taken my water to an accredited reef store in my area and they tested all my parameters with the Hanna Testing kits. Nitrates came back high and I did a 5 gallon water...
LFS game me this coral due to it not doing well in their system. Rather than letting it just die I took the challenge of trying to nurse it back to life.
I recently picked up this hammer and have found that it is receding. Do you think there's any hope for its survival?
Do you think an iodine dip would help?
I posted once and didnt get any tips but Im really helping someone can chime in there is no evidence anywhere online for what to do.
Backstory- I had a dino outbreak, i used dino X, it killed my SPS corals, but everything else was fine. I stopped treatment, over course of 2 weeks did 60%...
Hi, hope all are having a nice day! Bought this Hammer coral about a month ago, and started to notice it getting drastically smaller, closer to death. Was curious if you have any advice on trying to save. placed him in the middle of the tank, and will share pics! Appreciate any help!
Okay so basically since Friday I have started to notice all my corals (soft included) were not opening as much.
Today all of them are closed and my hammers, bubble and frogspawn started showing there skeleton and I am very worried.
I took my hammers and frogspawn to the lfs for the next...
I have a small 6 gallon nano reef tank that’s relatively new (about a month old) and the hammer coral started opening it’s mouth 2 days ago and now it’s starting to expel its algae. I did a water change and checked levels to see if everything was fine. The nitrite is still a little higher than...
I recently had to change the water and add algone to my 6 gallon saltwater aquarium because I noticed another coral was bleaching and the hammers were starting to curl in on themselves. After checking the levels via test strip I noticed nitrate and nitrite were high. I was wondering if they can...
I recently noticed my hammer corals mouth keeps coming out (if that is in fact his mouth). Usually it just happens for a couple of minutes then it’s covered up again. However I am worried that something is wrong. I just got the coral roughly 5 days ago. Checked salinity and all other levels and...
My hammer randomly does this and hasnt looked fully inflated and happy since i bought it. Water parameters are normal. I just moved it a little higher on my aquascape in hopes of getting more light/flow.
I ordered this hammer coral and it got delayed in shipping. It seems the tip of the polyps have fallen off on some. What are some emergency procedures I can do to maximize the chance of this coral living?
Hey Everyone,
Just looking for some advice on my Hammer Coral. I feel it’s not doing to great and has constantly been bent over to one side. Not sure what the issue is as I can’t find anything online. I’ve attached a pic
Current Parameters
Alk 7.4
I just tweak my wave maker a bit a few days ago and it became too strong, I didn't notice that until today when all my hammers shrink down to the bone, I know that because before the tweak they doing fine, I just turn off the wave maker, let's hope they can be revived :disappointed-face: