
  1. B

    What kind of crab is this

    Reef safe? Should I keep it?
  2. Andrew Schubert

    Anyone seen bad hitchhikers from reputable companies?

    Curious here on others experience when buying corals from reputable coral companies. I’ve always dipped my corals; but at the same time, what risk is there really if you are buying from reputable sources. Places like WWC, TopShelf, AquaSD, Cherry Corals, etc would quickly be out of business if...
  3. Rham1281

    ID these guys on my new frag?

    Just picked up a hammer coral from a local keeper. I'm not used to hitchhikers so any help would be appreciated!
  4. Lydia3

    Please help ID Hitchhiker - worm/slug/sea cucumber?

    Hello, I am new to this forum, I have been reading it for a long time when researching and I was always planning to introduce myself and create a thread in Members aquariums, although I never got to it yet, so it’s till yet to come. However last night I discovered some hitchhiker in my tank and...
  5. M

    Hitchhikers on live rock identification

    Hi everyone, New here. Can you help me ID some hitchhikers on my live rock? Thanks everyone!
  6. The Tampa Bay Saltwater Experience

    Spotlight The Tampa Bay Saltwater Experience

    I've been a Tampa Bay Saltwater customer for more than a decade now and have started at least half a dozen saltwater reef aquariums using their rock, sand, and clean-up crew. TBS is an amazing asset and resource for hobbyists in the USA. In this article, I hope to offer some insight into their...
  7. CrabKeeper

    Hitchhiker's Guide to Survival

    After a 20 year hiatus, I set up a reef tank about two years ago. Excited by the new things available when I set the tank up, I just couldn't resist live rock. I bought 40 pounds of it from Florida and it's been an interesting journey to say the least. Now two years later that original tank has...
  8. cinnamon_lover


    Can someone identify these hitchhikers? I got them from the live rock I purchased. Are these good or bad?
  9. Q

    Reddish spots on my frogspawn

    My beautiful frogspawn is not happy. Its done really well for the few months I've had it, extending nicely and even looks like one of the heads is getting ready to split. Up until about two weeks ago when it started to look irritated, it had a couple vermitide snails on it, so I took care of...
  10. K

    Mushroom flathead coral parasite eating at 'foot stumps' of mushroom coral or normal pedal laceration behavior?

    I have a few month old 3.5 ish gallon tank with one Turbo Snail, a ton of live rock from E-bay (claimed the live rock was cured) and a large mushroom coral frag. The live rock is teaming with life, so it is hard to tell the difference between what is a live rock hitchhiker and what is a...
  11. Wrassenaround

    Mysterious Creature

    Does anyone have any idea what this creature might be and if I need to remove it from my tank. I haven't seen it actively eating any corals (I have both LPS and SPS) It is completely nocturnal and I can't even attempt to locate it during the day.
  12. G


    Last week I bought some mushroom coral and turbo snails from my pet shop and everything had been fine until just now I noticed 3 slugs in my tank. I was worried one of my snails somehow became a slug but they seem fine. I havent seen the slugs until now so maybe they are nocturnal? Can someone...
  13. H

    White/Semi-Transparent things growing on live rock/coral frags

    Good afternoon, I am new to the hobby and have a 75-gallon tank with 2 clownfish, 2 gobies (added two days ago after quarantining), 6 coral frags, a skunk shrimp, a porcelain crab (that's been hiding a couple of weeks), and some snails. I noticed some things growing around the coral fragments...
  14. BighohoReef

    Aiptasia - hiding in the dark

    Hi All, We're in the process of moving all our corals from our nano to 100g (no live rock), while checking/cleaning our one of our corals it accidentally broke where the skeleton had died (we've been nursing it back to health) in doing so it revealed the frag plug below which low and behold had...
  15. BluerSkiesAhead

    Super tiny orange blob??

    Does anyone know what these little buggers are? They are very, very tiny. This is the best photo I could do on my phone. They seem to multiplying rather quickly.
  16. sotsreef

    What’s living in my chaeto?

    Long white stringy creature living in chaeto. It retracts when I touch the water or it senses vibrations on aquaclear filter. Maybe some kind of worm??
  17. SaltwaterScoop

    Creepy hitchhikers...what's lurking in your aquarium?

    I just found this section and thought my latest video would be perfect here...;Walkingdead
  18. Mariners

    Id this please

    hi everyone, Just got a colony of aqua blasto merlettis and as im qt-ing it, i noticed these round things at the bottom of the blasto skeleton stalk. Are these eggs of something bad or nothing? Thx for the input.
  19. Niterunner77

    New Reef question..... live rock vs. dry rock

    Hello all fellow reefers! I'm in the process of setting up my 75G reef tank and had a question. Probably a common question though. I'm between buying live rock or just buying dry rock. Should I just start with the dry rock? I just don't want to start off on the wrong foot and get live rock and...
  20. Sarah Grace

    Nudibranch or something more nefarious

    I just found these little guys all over my refugium, hoping someone can let me know what they are and if i should start removing them. Thanks ;)
  21. Mike N

    Keeping hitchikers alive

    I purchased some live rock from gulfliverock and placed it into a tank with live sand this morning. Only thing in the tank is the sand and rock. Obviously, the tank is going to cycle, but I want to keep the hitchhikers alive. Will they survive the cycle? Or should I just use dr tims? Amm/Ni/Na...
  22. HugoRR

    What are these things ?

    I bought some premium live rock from ARC Reef. I actually ordered 15lbs and they sent me 7 lbs more and it was free so yeah, I noticed a lot of critters and what not but I need help Id them and those are just a few, I'll post more as soon as find more. So if anyone know what those are please...
  23. D

    Hydroid? Coral? Hitchhiker on Maxima Clam

    Doesn't quite match anything I have seen in the ID thread. Tips are purple-ish changing to a lime green in the center. Agitated my clam on purpose to enable identification.
  24. ThunderGoose

    ID request - Polycheate? Hydroids?

    These came in on a piece of live rock from my LFS. The rock has feather dusters that I noticed right away and then yesterday I spotted these. They are very, very small, I needed to use my macro lens to get a good sized image. After spending a lot of time browsing the Hitchhikers Guide by...