
  1. Amybolton2

    Height of aquascape help

    Setting up a 20 gallon… I built this aquascape but wondering if it’s too low and I need to add height to it? Or if the coral growth of euphyllia and potentially sps will fill it out. Definitely going for a more minimalist look on this one. Also attached a photo of my large tank...
  2. rhpmiller

    New Aquascape Draft. Thoughts, Recommendations, Comments Are Welcome!

    Will be setting up a Nyos Opus 300 G2 (~75 gallons) and will likely have it be SPS dominate. I was trying to make a bit of a HNSA aquascape, and would have 4 Nero 3's positioned near the four "corners" of the sides of the tank to (hopefully) allow good flow. Most of this is superglued, and I'll...
  3. radfly

    South Carolina Live Goods HNSA Aquascape 30 L x 18 W x 12 H

    Built with Marco rock and AquaStix epoxy, custom designed for SPS dominated tank (IM60 dimensions). Four separate structures create space for coral to flourish and fish to hide without limiting flow. Cooked in recycled flourishing tank saltwater for 14 months, establishing a needed biome to...
  4. Z

    Stuck! Need some advice.

    After a few attempts at making my aquascape (miscalculated dimensions the first time) I have settled on the following. I took a bit of inspiration for HNSA from the BRStv vids but was a bit hard than expected getting pieces I liked from my Marco Rocks. Can I get a pair of eyes other than my own...
  5. Soilworker

    Build Thread Soilworker's Red Sea Reefer 625 G2 Build

    Soilworker's Red Sea Reefer 625 G2 System Volume: 164g Updated: 8/9/2022 Older FTS 8/3/2022 6/30/2022 6/21/2022 Background My first reef tank was over 12 years ago. I had a small 10 gallon reef tank in college that did alright but it was just far too small to be successful and I...