hospital tank

  1. ReforgeBlade

    Dry Rock in Quarantine

    Im putting together a full time 40 breeder to have as a quarantine for new fish and to treat any sick fish. So I’m curious to know how many people keep a full time hospital tank/ Quarantine tank and do you keep dry/ cycled rock in it. Or do you keep some sort of sponge filter to house the...
  2. N

    New fish - different QTs vs new tank?

    So we have a brand new tank set up (and also bought an 10g QT). We want to start with a pair of clowns and maybe a goby (eventually?) The one fish we knowingly bought from a questionable fish shop (Nothing clean, fish looks okay - young). We only bought there because it was listed as (and...
  3. JamesCTID

    Quarantine Tank Query

    Hello, My fairly new Fairy Wrasse looks to have a Swim Bladder issue so I'm planning on setting a new quarantine Tank up for him so I can fast him and then feed him on peas to hopefully aleaveate the issue. My question is once I'm done with the quarantine period, do I need to keep the tank...
  4. D

    Clownfish sudden death - suspected brooklynella or bullying?

    I noticed one of my clowns had some signs of his pelvic fin being nipped at, but I mistakenly thought this was from the female bullying him and establishing dominance.. A week or so later it looks like he’s losing coloration near his stomach, which looks like it’s turning transparent from his...
  5. CincyReefer07

    Which of these should be removed during Prazi-Pro?

    Last time I did prazi-pro during QT for my magnificent foxface, I think I may have went about it wrong. Just looking for solid clarification of items from my 60 breeder QT tank need to be removed during prazi or can stay. Last time I removed EVERYTHING from my hob filter and let dosed the prazi...
  6. E

    Fish has beginning stages of ICH. But that fish and all other fish seem fine. NEED ADVICE

    I have a blue damsel that is starting to show signs of ICH. Been monitoring it for a few days and the spots seem to move and over the last week have increased from his tailfins to the top part of his top fins. However, it seems perfectly fine. Not sluggish eats like crazy blah blah. I have a...
  7. NanoReefer2025

    Ich Treatment

    A few days ago, I noticed minuscule white spots on some of my fish, and assuming it’s ich, I’ve been trying to gather all the supplies for a quarantine/ hospital tank to treat them. I simply have a 10 gallon, a cheap HOB filter, a 50w heater, a thermometer, and some old aquarium decorations. Is...
  8. katiestl

    EMERGENCY Disease identification and treatment help

    One week ago, I added a gem tang, a mandarin and a blenny. Everything was just fine before then. Sunday, the gem tang got stuck to the side of my powerhead and died Monday. Also died Monday, the mandarin. Tuesday, I lost my blue eyed kole tang. so right then I started treating for ich with...
  9. McCarrick

    New to hospital tanks (not new to reefing)

    Hey all, sorry for the long read. I got ick in my tank on my royal gramma. I am new to hospital tanks. I set one up 2 days ago and last night I caught my royal gramma. He survived the night in the hospital tank and so I caught the rest of my fish to put into the hospital tank with him. (I...
  10. polyppal

    The complete $48 Quarantine Tank Setup! (That you can pickup from Petco Today)

    One of the big concerns people seem to have with Quarantine Tanks is the additional cost. After dropping hundreds to thousands of dollars on a Display Tank, the last thing many might be inclined to do is buy another set of equipment that they will only use infrequently... After a trip to Petco...