
  1. D

    Nano Build Reef Showcase 6.8 Gallon Reef - MY FIRST SALTWATER TANK - (Imagitarium Frameless Freshwater Aquarium Kit, 6.8 GAL)

    Introduction Hello! As the title suggests, this is my first reef tank. I'll use this post primarily to document the aquarium's progress over time. I'll share what I'm doing and learning, hoping it might help someone along the way. I studied aquaculture, and I already have a densely planted...
  2. pfranco

    Imagitarium Pacific Ocean Water and cycling

    So I started a new biocube 32 about a week and a half ago. I was so lazy to mix salt water and I found this water (Imagitarium Pacific Ocean Water) at Petco. I tested my levels today ammonia was 0, nitrite was 0, and nitrate was 2. Ummm... so is my tank completely cycled. I’ve never used this...