mocha clown

  1. Salt_ee

    Nano Build Reef Showcase Landen 60P AIO 26g reef New Obsession

    I am obsessed with this hobby and figured this would be a great way to keep tracks of my progress as well as share all my trials and tribulations. AIO Landen 26g 60p reef tank. 18mo into the hobby but I did move the tank into another room of my house 6 months basically started over...
  2. N

    New fish - different QTs vs new tank?

    So we have a brand new tank set up (and also bought an 10g QT). We want to start with a pair of clowns and maybe a goby (eventually?) The one fish we knowingly bought from a questionable fish shop (Nothing clean, fish looks okay - young). We only bought there because it was listed as (and...
  3. B

    WTB MochaVinci Clown

    I’m interested in buying a small-medium <2in mocha Vinci clown. Would much prefer to pickup locally (Long Island preferred but can do NYC/north jersey if needed). If you have any, especially a pair, (both don’t have to be vinci’s) please contact me, I’m interested.
  4. S

    Build Thread Rich's 46 bowfront, back in the hobby

    I'm back in the hobby after a year away due to a military PCS. Downsized from a 125 to a 46 gallon bowfront. Not the size I wanted right away but, will help later on. Running two viparspectra 165w, fx6 filter, reef octopus hob classic 1000, and one powerhead. So far two mocha clowns, one...
  5. T

    Clownfish, Mocha

    Hey y’all so I’m in the process of setting up my 30 g I currently am done cycling and have 2 chromis in the tank along with a cleaning crew of hermits snails and peppermint shrimp. I am considering getting a arceye hawk fish and a pair of Mocha clowns. ANY comments or ideas about trying to have...