old school

  1. dustinc

    Build Thread Back to my Roots... Take 642...

    Over the years, I've had many tanks, from large to small, from kit in a box to full custom. I've enjoyed most of them throughout that time, but I feel over the years I've become to hyper focused on the right equipment and lost sight of what makes the hobby great. THE ANIMALS! So I had my 200...
  2. Nano_Tuners

    Back in the day...

    Like many people here, I've been keeping marine tanks for many years. Talking to a friend/owner of a LFS, we reminisced about just how different some aspects of this hobby used to be (10-15 years ago)… What are some of the big changes you've seen around the hobby over the course of many years...
  3. smiley28

    WTB 3x3 or smaller Acanthophyllia

    Searching for a small acanthophyllia like the title says. Anything around 3x3 and slightly larger is alright but I’d like to start around 3x3. As far as color goes I’m up for discussing price just pm me.
  4. jsker

    Tips & Tricks Of Old School Reefing

    For use older reefer how have been reefing for a bit, what would be the best tips for new reefers? I have found with all the advancement with Meds, equipments, lighting, tank , chemistry and whatever else we can think of would be helpful to the entire community:) Let go!!
  5. Mr V

    Build Thread 45 gallons Acros tank

    I want to open a thread first to "show off" my acros , second is to document the growth of them. I'm still learning with my photography skills, so I'm sorry if some pic turn out too dark or too blue. Now, sit back and enjoy stick-head guys! Old school Strawberry Shortcake: Tck...