
  1. A

    Pairing nice percula clownfish

    Hi everyone I have a pair of percula clownfish I’m trying to pair I’ve had the female for about 5-6 months and then found another one I’ve been looking for that was a bit smaller than her, when I put the smaller one in the tank with her the smaller one tried to go in the pot but she wouldn’t let...
  2. Reef Breeder 2013

    Minimum tank size for a Mandarin pair?

    I don't care what the internet says, I just want people who have had experience keeping a pair of Mandarin.
  3. J

    Florida Live Goods Wild caught true percula pair $200 shipped

    Wild caught true percula pair $200 shipped I purchased them from Strikersreefing last December. 2'' and 1.5". PM for more pics or vids
  4. J

    Florida Live Goods wild caught true percula pair $150 pick up only

    pick up only in South Florida 33327
  5. R

    Tennessee WTB Black storm clownfish

    Looking for a single or pair of black storm clownfish. Will pay to ship to Tennessee. Send pm if you have any you would consider selling please.
  6. Scaggs1117

    Can I add a third clownfish?

    I know it’s not recommended. But I have an reg ocellaris and a Divinci clown right now. I was wondering if I can add a black storm as a third? Maybe if the black storm was bigger than the two of them it would be alright? Has anyone done a third?

    Defective pistol shrimp

    I've had a yellow watchman goby and a tiger pistol for roughly 5 years. They lived great together doing what they do. After reading about their lifespan and not seeing the shrimp near the tunnel holes for about 6 months I figured he had died. I decided to get the goby a new buddy. They paired...
  8. B

    Clown Fish Not Pairing

    Have had 2 gladiator clowns for almost 3 months now and are still fighting. Similar in size but one is slighter smaller and gets picked on through out the day. He turns white as well. But overall health is good and eats. Got him out the back chambers about 5 times now even with a guard over the...
  9. Dad2Wyatt

    New Clownfish getting right along with my existing one!

    So I got my first clownfish a couple months ago, and special ordered a a black ocellaris that was not in stock. Then I found out about QT’ing fish and asked my LFS if they could hold the 2nd clown once it came in until I can get a QT tank set up. well LFS called me today informing me that they...
  10. jingles1834

    Can I place a bigger clownfish with a smaller one

    I am currently trying to put a new ocellaris clown into my 20g tank. I had two clownfish before, but one died, so this is the replacement. However, the new clownfish is approx 3 inches, while the clown I already have is about 1.5 inches. I’m worried about putting them together and having the big...
  11. Sharkbait19

    Aurora Goby question

    Hi, For a few months I’ve been looking for a Randall’s goby (Amblyeleotris randalli) to pair with my tiger pistol shrimp. Unfortunately, they seem to be out of stock everywhere, but I found a place with an Aurora goby (Amblyeleotris Aurora). Does anyone have some experience with them? Are they...
  12. yanni

    1 or 2 clowns

    I’ve been thinking about my clowns I’d like to add once I get my tank set up and all sorted, but I’ve been thinking, is it really necessary to add two clowns? Could I downsize my tank from 120L, 30 gallon, to something a lil smaller and only have 1 clownfish? or would the clown not be as happy...
  13. L

    Recent aggression in existing pair of clowns

    I had a lone ocellaris clown fish in my tank for about a year before getting a second clown to pair with it. The new clown I got was significantly smaller, about 1/3 the size of my existing clown. They seemed to pair up almost immediately with only some minimal aggression in the first day or...
  14. avgn

    Randal’s goby and pistol shrimp not pairing.

    Hello everybody. A few days ago I’ve bought a Randall’s goby and a Randal’s pistol shrimp. They are not paired, but my LFS said they will once they are in the tank together. The goby is around 1.5 inch and the pistol shrimp is around the same size, maybe a little smaller. Once acclimated, I put...
  15. THEBOOM1011

    Deciding on Fish

    Hi, I have a 75 Gallon Long Tank with 2 Ocellaris Clownfish, a Starry Blenny, a Chalk Bass, 3 Nassarius Snails, and a Blue Hermit. My sandbed depth is not consistent but the depth is 1-5 inches, on average its about 3 inches. My reef tank currently is very peaceful the clownfish do not pay any...
  16. C

    Illinois Bonded pair of DaVanci type Clownfish

    I have a bonded pair of DaVanici (can't remember exactly) clownfish that I would like to sell, not sure if they are a breeding pair (I don't think they are) since I have a lot of rock work and coral in my tank and if they are it's out of sight. Pictures attached. $100 Local pickup in the...
  17. Perpetual Novice

    How to get jawfish to pair up?

    I have a single pearly jawfish that has been doing well for several months now. It lives in a frag rack that I buried in the sand which it has dugout underneath. There are several holes to poke in and out of, and presumably a lot of space underneath (I have a deep sandbed and its a large frag...
  18. Perpetual Novice

    When will my leopard wrasse change sex?

    I have two leopard wrasses 4 inch and 3 inch roughly. They both have the speckled female color pattern and look roughly the same except for size. They are active, eat well, and get along great. Usually they are within a foot of each other at any given time so they seem to prefer to swim and hunt...
  19. F

    Blue Jaw Triggerfish Pair

    I have an opportunity to purchase a 3" male and female Blue Jaw Triggerfish. I want to make sure my tank is big enough to house both as they get bigger. Display tank is 160g (71" L x 25.6" W x 23.6" H) . Looking for some feedback.
  20. fishnchip

    Pair of Assessors???

    Hey guys! I'm looking into adding some fish to my tank and I'm really liking the yellow assessors. I was wondering if I could house a pair of them? Have they been known to have any aggression towards their own kind? I think these fish are super cool and it's a bonus that they're captive bred...
  21. K

    Do crosshatch need to be kept in pairs?

    Almost every crosshatch I've seen has been in a pair. Is there a reason for that, or are they just as fine kept singly? Drew
  22. fishnchip

    How long does it take clownfish to become a pair???

    Hey guys, I introduced my two storm clownfish at the same time a little less than a month ago. The mocha storm is noticeably bigger, but not be a lot. I'd say the black storm is about an inch and the mocha is about 1.25. I was just wondering how long it usually takes for the clowns to become a...

    Clownfish laying eggs (in 4K)

    Check this out! I returned home from my trip to the LFS tonight to find my now seemingly mated pair of clownfish laying their first ever fry!
  24. jimmert33

    Mated pair or older bonded pair of Snowflake clowns

    Please shoot me a pm with what you have thankyou so much!!! I have a couple OG bounces to trade for a proven mated pair, anyways thanks so much!!!
  25. shadow1013

    Orlando - Fish and Corals

    We are moving and need to part out our Red Sea Reefer 450 or sell together. First we need to sell our coral and fish then we are going to part out the equipment. This posting is constantly going to be updated to report what is still available. If you see it listed it's still up for grabs. We...