pest hitchhiker

  1. K

    What is this?

    Hello my name is Kasey and I am new to the saltwater hobby. I have been in the freshwater hobby for 10 years and have finally converted to the dark side . I currently have a new tank set up (2 months running) with live rock, a bicolour blenny and a PJ cardinal. When looking at my tank I notices...
  2. E

    What kind of worms ?

    I have these “worms” in a few spots in my 55 gal reef not sure what they are or if they are a pest or not.
  3. 4

    New Scoly looks like its peeling

    Hey everyone, I picked up a warpaint scoly last weekend at Reefapalooza Orlando and only noticed afterward that it has a chunk of flesh missing, which seems to be worsening each day. I already gave it a 6-minute dip in Revive when I brought it home. I have a couple of questions: 1...
  4. Thawman

    What is this? Rescued pectinia

    Hello! Rescued a sizeable pectinia that had a couple pests on it. It had a large vermitid that I glued over, a majano which I injected with lemon juice and covered with CA glue. There is a red sponge which I hope lives! BUT...What's in the picture? It looks completely different from the other...
  5. W

    What is this??

    ID ?? Thank you in advance!
  6. J

    What are those dots ?

    Hi Guys lately i have seen in my salt water aquarium in the return tower this small dots i don’t know if they are eggs or small pests do i need them or do i scrape them off. The fish don’t seem to be interested. Sorry for the quality of the pictures it’s impossible to zoom close enough for the...
  7. L

    Does anyone know what this little guy is?

    Checking on My year old 75g as per normal. Looking at the glass and i see this thing on my glass. I’ve been pretty good with not having nasty hitchhikers in my tank. At first i thought it was some sort of flatworm. However, when i went in to remove it the exterior was hard and when i pulled it...
  8. Niceroc

    Hydroid Identification

    Hey all! Relatively new to the hobby with less than a year of experience. Noticed my lepto wasn’t looking too hot and shortly after, I noticed these guys hanging out on the underside of the frag. My searches through the forums lead me to believe they’re hydroids, but I was hoping someone with a...
  9. hexcolor reef

    Unknown Marine life found in tank?

    Looks like a shrimp of some sort. It’s it coral safe is the question. Don’t know how it got in the tank but it’s there. Found in the refugium Photos of video doesn’t play. Main question/issue why happens if it populate the tank
  10. M

    Coral dip active ingredient??

    I’m looking for a strictly academic/ best guess. Is the imadcloprid or is the cyfluthrin in Bayer ….( since they are 2 very unrelated insecticides) responsible for eliminating any unwanted guests as a Coral dip/treatment. Also, any anecdotal information on what exactly your trying to kill as...
  11. chicken_parm

    Unknown Hitchhiker

    These guys are all over my tank. I have looked everywhere and asked many people, and no one seems to know what these are. They seem more active at night and when trying to touch the tentacle it retracts. I know it is definitely not a bristle worm or vermitid. And I do not think these things...
  12. L

    Pest ID

    Pest id please
  13. M

    Please gelp me identify between fireworm vs bristle worm

    I was cleaning my coral with hydrogen peroxide solution and 2 worms dropped from the holes. I don't know if it is a bristle worm which became fat due to hydrogen peroxide or it is my nightmare: a fireworm. If these are fireworms are there any easy hacks to get rid of them.
  14. G

    Please help ID this hitchhiker

    These little white-gray friends are spreading rapidly through the rocks. They dont look like they move (aka dont look like barnacles) and are a bit see-through. Some of the corals that are in contact with these are a bit angry. Anyone know what it is and how to get rid of it?
  15. FishandFire

    Trochus snails or pests?

    About a month ago I noticed white specs appearing on my ulva and chaeto in my sump. They’ve now grown to be quite large. Initially I thought they were trochus snail offspring, but I am more concerned now that they might be a pest. They are eating holes through the ulva and have almost devoured...
  16. leighla wolf

    Hitchhiker ID help please!

    I have these little dudes in quarantine and wasn’t able to pop them off their plugs. These survived their dips and I’d like to know what hitchhikers I’m dealing with as my display tank has none! On the acan hitchhiker one is part of their skeleton. On my encruster, hitchhiker 2 are on bottom...
  17. M

    Frog spawn not opening and I found this

    Frogspawn not opening
  18. hexcolor reef

    EMERGENCY Small larva living in filter NEED SOLUTION ASAP

    What are they and how to get rid of them? What product to use safe for fish and coral. Thanks
  19. MyCatHatesMe

    Do blue sapphire damsels eat bristleworms?

    i have heard that blue sapphire damselfish (the peaceful ones) eat flatworms, and i was wondering if they (or any closely related species) have been known to eat bristle worms? obviously im not expecting this random 6 dollar fish to have the appetite of a melenarus wrasse, but i do just want to...
  20. B

    Possible new pest… help ID if possible?

    No idea what this critter is been trying to ID but can’t find anything. I’m new to the hobby and hoping it’s now bad for my reef… thanks in advance!
  21. Wolperthinger

    Oenone Fulgida!

    Hi All, I am new to reef keeping and I thought it would be fun to share my introduction (horror) story to the hobby. I started out with a 10g tank that had an arag-alive substrate bottom. I then bought 2 chunks of live rock and let the tank go for a few weeks while monitoring the water...
  22. Matheurisley

    What is it, how do I get rid of it?

    Hello fellow reefers, I was looking at my corals today and I noticed that there was something suspicious living inside one of my corals. I have searched all over the internet trying to figure out what they are and have not had much luck. Based on the pictures that I have attached. You’ll notice...
  23. R

    Found what looks to be a zoanthid eating spider in tank

    I just recieved a zoanthid frag from aquasd 2 days ago which is what im assuming this came from and i just found this today on one of its polyps. I have only seen one so far and i checked the 3 of my zoanthid frags which have been doing fine but what im wondering is if they stay solely near and...
  24. J

    ID on hitchhiker crab. Good or bad ?

    Just got home from work and noticed this little guy on my live rock. Is it a gorilla crab and should I sump it if so ?