
  1. Asagi

    platygyra colony

    Hi boys, im looking for a platygyra colony. The more dome shaped the better. Honestly don’t care about color, it’ll be under full spectrum. Want it for an esthetic peice. You’ll need to ship it to me. What ya got?
  2. AstroCoral

    White growth on Platygyra

    Unsure if this white growth is being projected out by the platygyra or it’s a foreign growth on the actual platygyra. It’s white and does not match the look of the feeding or sweeper tentacles of the platygyra. Additionally, the platygyra has deployed a large swath of sweeper tentacles that I...
  3. RSnodgrass

    New platygyra... potential?

    Picked this up while at the Bemidji, MN frag swap. 6 hrs later it's looking good and thinking perhaps this could color up into something? Unfortunately I didn't get a photo with the color correction lens on but this is still pretty accurate with a bit more yellow & red in person.
  4. TheEelsSpiel

    Platygyra/lobophyllia growth

    I enjoy the look of large brain/maze corals and I recently got this pink and green platy. Will it grow large and round just by building a skeleton under it or should it be placed on a larger rock? Also what is the typical growth rate of a health platy?
  5. C_Reefer

    Get A Brain! Which Genus Of Brain Coral Should I buy??

    Hello LPS Lovers! I've got a 24 gallon mixed reef which is sorely lacking LPS but has plenty of softies and some SPS corals. However I am really looking into getting a brain coral, as they just look totally wicked and have a kaleidoscope of colors. However I am wondering which genus of Brain I...

    The NOT SO OFFICIAL Favia/ Favites/ Goniastrea/ Platy Show Off Thread!

    I'm a sucker for these corals and it seems like no one has made one of these yet. I think they're so incredibly under appreciated for the amount of color they provide to the reef and how easy they tend to be to grow! Make sure to post your pics and names of your pieces in this thread too! Top...
  7. ReefChasers

    Livestock Two Sweet Platygyra Colonies

    We have these two large platygyra colonies really nice looking they are up on the site and you can save 20% off until August 31st! Ultra Neon Glowing Platygyra Ultra Teal/Yellow Platygyra Not listed on the site yet but if anyone is interested in a large Favia colony DM us about it (picture below)
  8. ReefChasers

    Sweet Platygyra Colonies

    Got two sweet colonies on hand DM us about them! Ultra Glowing Neon Playtygra Ultra Yellow & Teal Platygyra
  9. ReefChasers

    20% Sale Continues! New Stock items! Deep Water Chalice and more!

    We got some awesome new livestock ready for the website. Where are our Chalice Lovers at? There are some real beautiful deep water colonies here. Also got a few nice Favia's and Platy's. We created a deal on 5 packs of these Ultra Rock Flowers (they really are very nice!). Photograph's below...
  10. fox0521

    Platygyra Maze Brain bleached!

    Hey folks, Broke down my 55 and moved all corals to my 120 about a month ago. this coral I recently noticed is not doing well (I don’t know why I didn’t catch it sooner). I ran two ai 16 HD’s, on a beefed up saxby preset on my 55. Run two ai 16’s and two ai 32’s at the standard levels of saxby...
  11. dtruitt

    Platygyra looking unwell. Is this bad news for the other inhabitants of the tank?

    Photos below. Our platygyra has been struggling for a while, lots of die off where it was fragged, and the turbo snails kept knocking it over. They seem to have it out for the platy, for some reason. The Tang swims by the platy quite a bit, I wouldn't be shocked if it's been cut a couple of...
  12. dtruitt

    Need help identifying 3 LPS

    All, I've had all of these LPS for a few weeks. The LFS owner identified them, in order, as "Trumpet," "Fireworks Favia," and "Closed Brain." The trumpet and the fireworks favia do not look like photos I've seen online of those corals. The "trumpet" looks like it could plausibly be a trumpet...
  13. ReeferWarrant

    Neon Maze (Platygyra sp.) care

    I just got a frag of Neon Maze from and I can't really tell if the polyps are retracted or in good shape. Does anyone have any info on what to look for? I'll follow this up with a picture soon. Thanks!