We have had an established Salt water tank since July 28 that has an angel fish, two clowns, a cardinal, and plenty of snails and crabs. We got a Naso Tang on Dec 17. He was doing wonderfully. He was swimming fine, eating fine, got along with his tank mates, and had plenty of nori and algae. On...
I have powder brown tang that developed what it appears is under surface bumps throughout his body. See pics.
He was never an aggressive eater, he kind of waits and gets the smaller pieces that fall down. He never goes straight for the Nori, but rather gets pieces out of the water...
This is going to be a multi-part question...
My husband went to our LFS a couple of weeks ago and brought home a powder blue and a powder brown tang.. The powder blue is a little smaller than the brown. The LFS owner had told him that she had never had any issues with the two together as long...
Hi all,
I've had my power brown tang for three months or so. My fish store sold him with the warning that they are very prone to ich. After the first month he already developed a bad case of it. Luckily I had no corals to speak of. So after some advice from the great people on here, I put my DT...
powder brown tang looking very bad, seems to be slimming on the bottom of its belly and eye. What to do.
I thought my lights maybe to string but I turned them down and still looking shady. A lot of flow and oxygen in the tank. I have other tangs and none of them are experiencing the same.
I noticed this on my powder brown tang this morning. He’s on a Qt on its second week.
I did a FW Dip one e I noticed it.
77 temp
2.5 copper power
General Cure
Hey so my Powder brown is currently in QT, I got it on Sunday and it seemed fine, it’s in QT, didn’t add anything to let them settle in. The other fish are eating, the powder brown hasn’t eaten yet, it’s only been two days so I figured it might take some time. I added some copper power to the...
So I just got a new Powder Brown Tang and I was expecting my Six Line and Basslet to bully him, but instead he’s bullying my Foxface and Basslet. I haven’t seen him bully my Six Line and Clownfishes yet (hopefully he leaves them alone. It’s been 5 hours now and I haven’t seen him chase them). He...
Okay, so I know this is a dumb question. Same species of fish is difficult, especially when it comes to tangs and then the same genius of tangs is just not good. I get that but hear me out.
I want to add a powder blue tang into my 150 gallon tall tank that has plenty of rock.
Let me know if I...
In my previous thread, I have a powder brown tang that twitches when I turn on the lights. As suggested, I left my lights off for 72 hours and let the natural light cycle run. Didn’t help, he continues to twitch and swim really fast around the tank when the lights are on.. I have no idea what to do.
Just got a powder brown tang for my secondary tank at around 1, temp. acclimated him for about 15 minutes and acclimated him for an hour. Once I put him in he was doing fantastic, swimming around and picking algae off of the rocks and exploring every nook and cranny of the tank. I left the...