Starting this off with this is not an emergency, so please dedicate time and mental energy to other threads :)
I had a battle with Ich last year that wiped out a bunch of my fish. I transferred survivors to a separate tank and ran Hyposalinity. After going fallow for over 80 days I swear there...
I watch my tank quite closely as I’m sure most people do and a few nights ago I noticed a few faded white spots on my clown fish, only really noticeable in certain lighting. I’ve kept an eye on in and now it seems to have gotten worse and I’ve began noticing spots on my other fish. I am almost...
Allllllrighty then! Brain overload.
So, the new 40gal aio is all cycled, 2ppm ammonia to 0 ammonia/0 nitrite in a day. Cool.
Now I’ve learned all about QT, and yes will opt for safety and do it.
First question is should I continue to dose ammonia occasionally in the DT while new fish are in...
The Declivus Butterflies, Goldflake Angels, and Flame Angels are currently in quarantine.
The Declivus and Goldflakes are both eating P.E. Mysis, with the Goldflakes also taking Calanus. You can check out the videos below to see them in action.
The Flames are looking great, though we’re still...
Im new to the hobby and I’m currently cycling my first tank (currently on day 2). It occurred to me today that I should also set up a quarantine tank. There’s a good chance that my DT will complete the cycle well before I finish quarantining my fish.
My question is how would I keep the tank...
I have had these zoas for 10 days - they were open the first week looking really good (they were dipped with CoralRx before going into QT) but they won’t open the past three days -( I included a pic when they were open too ) - Parameters are 1.025 ppm, Amm 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 0 - ph 7.8 - no...
Would this be okay? Getting all the fish I want first and then do a qt in the display with sand and rock and treat for everything before adding coral?
Have a clown , starry blenny and Bengai cardinal, just added a fairy wrasse and royal gramma. The gramma definitely has something as I see some...
Firefish with bruise like mark on side.
Tomini Tang also in QT, added at the same time. No symptoms. Both eating very well.
Aquarium Parameters:
10 Gallon Quarantine tank
Fluval Hang on Back w/ siporax media / no floss
Lighting: Fluval led
QT Aquarium established for 4 months, previously...
Main tank is 2 months old (live rock start). Ugly stage is fully present and brown haze is settled in and made itself right at home. Awesome, love it, so fun.
But, picked up some more fish from @Biota_Marine , a Link's & a Court Jester Goby and a Royal Gramma. I have them in a 24 gal QT...
I picked up a black saltwater Molly from my LFS today. I’m hoping it can help me identify if my fallow period was successful. I had velvet, went fallow for 45 days. I put it into my quarantine tank. My LFS had them already acclimated to salt and was tied to the same system as most of their other...
After an outbreak of Ich in my display tank, I took all the livestock out, treated them with copper, bleached the tank and restarted.
Two weeks ago I added back the only remaining fish I had left. I observed them in a non-medicated tank after to ensure they were disease-free.
Last week I...
just got my white-tail bristle tooth ! it said online that it was pre-quarantined, so I assumed it would only need observation qt. but i’m seeing white flecks in the shipping bag as i’m acclimating to temp ?
there are no white dots or lesions at all on the fish and it’s already regained a lot of...
Hey All! Looking to get help and ensure the diagnosis is appropriate. I had my clowns get what was originally determined to be ich…and they were covered. Transferred and stood up 10 gallon QT and they’ve been doing well. Their appetites are still very much there and almost all of it is gone...
Jeweler’s glasses? Hands-free magnifying glass? Reading glasses? My first corals are in quarantine and I’m paranoid about making sure they go in the DT pest-free. My DT has been stable and almost perfect for 6 months FOWLR. What works best to inspect your corals for pests? Also, I didn’t re-frag...
I have 2 purple tangs, 1 yellow tang, 2 sailfin tangs, 1 gem tang, 1 yellow eye kole tang, 1 blue hippo, 1 scopas, 1 bicolor fox face, 1 one spot fox face, 1 koi tang, 1 six line wrasse, 1 baby azure damsel and 5 green chromis. all relatively large except the damsel. I was gonna disperse them...
I bought a coral beauty that was supposed to be treated in copper before purchasing. After about 4 hours of being in the tank and the lights went blue, I noticed it had ich on its body. Does this cause concern about it dropping off the fish? Is my tank now infected within such a short...
Hi everyone,
4 days ago, I bought six fish from my local fish store: a foxface, Midas blenny, longnose hawk, yellow tang, orchid dottyback, and bangaii cardinal. All of them were eating well at the store. When I got home, I added them to my two quarantine tanks, and they all ate on the first...
I can’t catch a break yall.
The inhabitants of my 150 gal reef tank have all been in QT with copper power for velvet since July 4. Lost an bellus angel, engineer goby, annd two anthias before I figured out what it was and pulled the tank apart. Everyone is doing well now and I haven’t had any...
40 gallon glass tank with lid
Steel stand with leveling feet
Hanna Checker for copper with extra reagent packets
Bottle of copper power
Tunze protein skimmer
2 x Tunze powerheads
2 x Eheim heaters (250 & 300 watt)
Tunze Osmolator auto top off REMOVED AND PRICE REDUCED
3 x sponge...
Im putting together a full time 40 breeder to have as a quarantine for new fish and to treat any sick fish. So I’m curious to know how many people keep a full time hospital tank/ Quarantine tank and do you keep dry/ cycled rock in it. Or do you keep some sort of sponge filter to house the...
Setup my first coral QT about a two weeks ago now. I've had my DT running for 6 months now. But I haven't had any lights on the tank, since I haven't had any corals. So I didn't realize quite how quickly nuisance algae can tank over a tank. Especially one that is fresh and clean like a freshly...
Hi everyone, Happy Memorial Day weekend!
So I decided I'm going to set up a small quarantine tank, about 10 gallons and I have a few questions:
1. I have two BIO-bricks in my main tank (it's almost done cycling) , can I put those in my quarantine tank and the tank will skip the cycle? (I can...
OK so long story short around March 9, 2024 I noticed my fish (2 clowns) breathing heavily and I didn't know what was going on. I bought at that time, a cardinal fish from my local fish store and thought maybe it was a disease brought by that new fish. It was weird because my two clown fishes...
Hello guys.
I'm a complete newbie to fishkeeping, despite having a group of 5 sexy shrimps for a while. I've got my pair of clownfish (4-5 cm) 3 days ago, and I did follow the protocol from humble fish.
I started with drip acclimation in 45 minutes, followed by a 45-minute formalin bath which...
Just looking for everyone’s opinion and feedback on what they think could have happened
So I started a quarantine tank. 20 gallon long with a coralife 40gallon filter. I have the fter pad and some anommia remover pad in there. PVC and a 100w heater. I have not medicated any of the fish. I am...