:dizzy-face: DROP A COMMENT BELOW AND AT THE VIDEO BELOW to enter your name for a chance to win a P.O.T.O. $200 GC and swag pack! SEE you Wed at 7PM EST!
We’ll be LIVE Wednesday with @Pieces of the Ocean!
Who wants a Pixel LED Fragger Kit from DALUA? :star-struck: REPLY BELLOW IF YOU WILL BE THERE!
Head over to the video linked below to make sure you are subscribed and have the notification bell turned on! Drop me a comment that you will be there!
One lucky winner in my next reefing livestream...
️ Join us this Tuesday the 15th (7PM EST) for our reefing video podcast! Hope to see you there!! Looking forward to our time with Tank Matez CEO, Nick Gonzales to talk about his time on Shark Tank, look at his patented fish traps that are licensed to Nyos and learn more about his upcoming...
:smiling-face-with-sunglasses: Hope to see you this Wednesday at 7PM EST for “The 5 Biggest Mistakes I’ve Made with My Reef Tank!”
️ Reef Chat with Reefstash! REEF TANK VIDEO PODCAST live every WED on Facebook and YouTube.
Event links:
:star-struck: YouTube link:
:star-struck:Facebook link...
Saltwater Aquarium / Reefing Video Podcasts - “Reef Chat with ReefStash” episodes 001-005
:) Thank you to all that have shown support with this weekly show. It’s been a challenge to commit to it weekly but your encouragement has kept us going. My entire family has jumped in and we are all...
can reefing be easy
reef chat with reefstash
reef tank livestreams
reef tank podcast
reef tank talk
reefing livestream
saltwater aquarium podcast
saltwater tank podcast