Ammonia in Red Sea Coral Pro & Ammonia mystery


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Feb 26, 2024
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I had an issue with a reef tank, and was chasing down the cause of high ammonia, when during the process of testing everything, I checked a fresh sample of RO mixed with CP in a glass container. I was surprised to see that the reading on the Hanna was 0.1

To follow that up, I tested both the tap water, as well as the RO just in case there was any possibility of tap bypassing a membrane, both read 0.00

I mixed the CP again with the just tested 0.00 RO, and it came out at 0.08 and I verified all these tests with another traditional ammonia test kit.

Needless to say, I am confused why there is any ammonia at all in the CP? This doesn't seem normal. I have never purchased CP before, and haven't seen this in Reef Crystals, but maybe I haven't checked immediately after mixing before and was just converted to nitrates.

This came about because I had added a new tank which got a mild case of ich. I fed heavy, and all was well in the world. I did a water change making the move to CP from Reef Crystals, to experiment and see if this could help me lower my dosing or start me off closer to where I want to be. After the tang recovered, I started doing nopox at about 1/2 the dose recommended for the 100gallon aquarium I have.

Everything still going good, at this point, any algae from the overfeeding receeded. But I was starting to notice some slight bleaching in my SPS. I Tested everything (I also have a Neptune Trident) and everything was spot on. On a whim I decided to test ammonia with my API kit, showed what looked like something but it was hard for me to believe so initially I disregarded it...but the corals got worse. I went out immediately and got the Hanna so I could accurately check ammonia. After what seems like 10 hours of testing any combination of sources for the ammonia, I know for sure the CP has ammonia in it. I did a water 50% water change and ammonia still was reading 0.2 on the Hanna, down from 0.22 (strange after a 50% water change unless it came from the CP, or, existed in the tank and was stirred up somehow in the water change, which seems strange considering the amount of flow and turnover I have in the tank.

I am at a complete loss here. I had a brand new small chromis die a few weeks ago (was weak and my tang stressed him), I suppose its possible he is wedged in a rock somewhere, but I would think that the crabs would have eaten him, and any ammonia from that little fish could be handled by bacteria.

I have seen the few posts about mystery ammonia, but this tank has been in this same room with no issues for years. Any feedback/comments/suggestions would be really helpful because I am not really super interested in taking apart my rocks, but I certainly am not opposed to it.

Currently, my idea was to do another +50% water change with reef crystals which should bring the ammonia down to a <0.10 safe level, then monitor to see if it decreases or increases. I am not sure this is the best path, but at this point I am not sure what to do other than a 100% water change. Thank in advance!


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Hanna (and other total ammonia tests) shows 0.1-0.2ppm total ammonia regularly in mature tanks with no ammonia. Interpret 0.1-0.2ppm as zero.

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