First few fish I added were a Divided Leopard wrasse and a Flame Angel amongst a few others. Was going to add the flame Angel as a late addition in stocking order, but I received a juvenile with an adult male Leopard Wrasse same day and those two were a great pairing that always stayed together. They never split while foraging the aqua scape and there bond I believe brought them out together early on while they adjusted to there new home. Also had a Blue Spotted Jawfish, and a clown that made a bond, and after losing the BSJ after jumping, the clown fish stayed near its burrow. My tank is a peaceful community tank so far and the really only fish that are solitary are the copperband and six spot sleeper goby. Next year the goal is to get a few extra fish in this 158 gallon tank that interact well. A cleaner wrasse I imagine would be neat to see in action. Was curious if you guys have some unique pairings of non related fish you find enjoyable.