I picked up a Blonde Naso from a reputable dealer this past Friday. It had been quarantined for 30 days, was eating well and showed no signs of disease. Upon releasing it into the 185g display it has done the usual for a 4.5"-5" specimen, hides a bit as it is shy. Swims in the open when no people are visible. Can be seen picking algae or some hydroids(yay) off of rocks. The issue is it will not eat anything that I throw at it at this time. NLS pellets, Fuana Marin pellets, Formula 2 pellets or flakes. Mysis soaked in garlic guard & Elos vitamins, Rods herbivore, frozen brine soaked as well. Will not accept nori on a clip on the side wall of the tank. I have yet to try romaine lettuce or spinach leaves or freash macro algae, I would need to find a local supply.
I know that he has a bit of a bully problem at the moment, a Fowler's tang that is showing some aggression. The first sign of aggression ever out of the Fowler's and he is a bit smaller than the Naso, 3.5"-4". The Naso is submitting to the Fowler's and giving way, not standing up for himself at this time at all. I had wished it would be different. I know that Fowler's can be aggressive as they become older and larger. This one has been in my care for two years and was purchased at only 2" overall. Other tank mates are yellow coris wrasse, Social Fairy wrasse, male Pylei wrasse, Mandarin and a pair of Darwin clowns.
I'm going to head to the store this evening for romaine and spinach. Considering some mussels as well, thoughts? Try to find some fresh macro algae and some brown or red sheets of algae.
For those that will say that these two fish do not belong in a space this small, it is temporary as plans are being developed for at least an 8' display in the near future. Possibly larger, it all depends. If not I do have sources that can re house these fish into suitable locations. So may we please keep this on topic.
Thank you for your assistance!
I know that he has a bit of a bully problem at the moment, a Fowler's tang that is showing some aggression. The first sign of aggression ever out of the Fowler's and he is a bit smaller than the Naso, 3.5"-4". The Naso is submitting to the Fowler's and giving way, not standing up for himself at this time at all. I had wished it would be different. I know that Fowler's can be aggressive as they become older and larger. This one has been in my care for two years and was purchased at only 2" overall. Other tank mates are yellow coris wrasse, Social Fairy wrasse, male Pylei wrasse, Mandarin and a pair of Darwin clowns.
I'm going to head to the store this evening for romaine and spinach. Considering some mussels as well, thoughts? Try to find some fresh macro algae and some brown or red sheets of algae.
For those that will say that these two fish do not belong in a space this small, it is temporary as plans are being developed for at least an 8' display in the near future. Possibly larger, it all depends. If not I do have sources that can re house these fish into suitable locations. So may we please keep this on topic.
Thank you for your assistance!