Just did a 25% water change in my 20G, went to LFS to get water, came back and zoas are open and GSP is still opening, one clownfish appears fine, cleaner shrimp fine, one clownfish has a bloated stomach and is floating to surface (see videos)
Temperature did drop during water change, I’m not sure if salinity changed, pH shouldn’t have changed, i did stir up the sand bed quite a bit so there could’ve been something that upset the fish
These symptoms all happened in about 20-30 minutes i don’t have any sort of quarantine tank but I have an old 10 gallon I could maybe use
Any help is appreciated thanks
Temperature did drop during water change, I’m not sure if salinity changed, pH shouldn’t have changed, i did stir up the sand bed quite a bit so there could’ve been something that upset the fish
These symptoms all happened in about 20-30 minutes i don’t have any sort of quarantine tank but I have an old 10 gallon I could maybe use
Any help is appreciated thanks