Hi, my fellow fish keepers. I'm writing for a friend. He has a small 6 gallon FRESH WATER TANK. I told him I would reach out to the professionals. I actually gave him the tank in question. He made a terrible rookie error and forgot to dechlorinate and killed all the fish. He did a 3 gallon water change added fresh water and all the fish died this was about 3 weeks ago iam just finding out about this cause he did not Want to tell me. So my question is this. His Ammonia level is at 0.25 nitrite is at 0 and nitrate is at 40 ppm. I'm thinking that somehow the cycle is still going he just recently in the last 5 days has been adding a very small amount of food to tank ever other day. Any thoughts are appreciated in advance. And I apologize that this is fresh water post. I keep marine fish and he is just starting the hobby.
Thank you Richard.
Thank you Richard.